Friday, March 20, 2015

Gen. 5.10-Matthew

The next morning I ran into Levi in the dining room. After Kia was released, we went down to the court house and applied for the marriage license. She went on and on about not minding a courthouse wedding now and that we could plan a ‘real’ one after the baby was born. In two days I’d be married, that’s how long it took for the license to be filed. We just needed a witness, that’s where Levi would come in since I didn’t think Mom and Dad needed to make two trips up.

“Hey man, I need a favor.”

“Sure, what’s up?”

“Thursday can you come to the courthouse with me at 11? Kia and I are getting married.”

He looked shocked for a minute before he burst out laughing. “Good one Matty boy. And here I thought you were done with the pranks since we graduate in a few days.”

“I’m not joking. I’m serious. She’s pregnant.”

“Shit! For real?”

“Yes. I went to talk to her yesterday and she passed out. Took her to the clinic and they told her.”

“Dude, how do you know she’s not lying, trying to trap you or some shit. You know she’s crazy…”

“Don’t call her that!” I yelled cutting him off. “I was there when the doctor gave her the news so it’s real. Now will you be there or should I ask Derek?”

“Shit, Matt. Married? Why would you do that? I mean she has options right? She’s just trying to get her claws in you. Even if she wants to keep it, you don’t have to marry her.”

I’d tossed and turned most of the night thinking about what I was doing. Kia had no friends outside of me. Her father was distant, I couldn’t let her go through this alone. Marrying because she was pregnant wasn’t ideal, but I could make it work. I liked Kia, we got along for the most part, so there was some foundation there. It’s not like she was some one-night stand that I didn’t know. We were friends and that was more important than romantic feelings. Right?

“Look Levi, you put all this in motion by spiking my drink. Now I’m dealing with the fallout and this is how I’m choosing to handle it. She’s pregnant. It’s mine and now I have to man up and take responsibility.”

“I’m sorry Matt. I never…I didn’t think of anything past a few laughs that I’d have. I still think there has to be some other way, but if this is what you want to do, I’ll be there.”

I didn’t sleep at all the night before my wedding.  I’d cleaned things that didn’t need cleaning in my room. I’d even gotten up at 4 a.m. to go work out. Nothing helped.

My knee bounced constantly now as we sat outside the judge’s chambers awaiting our turn. Levi had tried again to talk me out of it this morning, and I admit I was having second thoughts and was going to call it off, I’d even called Kia but when she answered she just sounded so happy, I couldn’t do it. Levi had apologized to Kia for dragging her into our prank war and she brushed it off like nothing. He’d looked uncomfortable when she gave him a hug, but awkwardly returned it.

“Solo/Borders,” an older woman announced and all three of us stood.

“That’s us,” I replied. One…two…three…

I looked over at Kia who wore a nervous smile. I had to admit she looked pretty today. She’d told me she'd spent all day out looking for a dress.

“I don’t think I told you how nice you look.”

She smile and her cheeks filled with color. “Thank you.”

“The corsage is a nice touch.”

“Oh…um, well I kinda wanted flowers, but…well didn’t think a bouquet would fit so…”

“Right, good thinking.”

I took her hand and followed the woman into the office. The judge was very official as she asked us what I guessed were standard questions, then the ceremony started. It was quick.

Ten minutes tops. We said the standard vows and at the end I gave her a quick, awkward kiss.

I was married. Levi congratulated us, we took a picture, then the judge signed our certificate. It was over. Levi wanted to get back to campus, so Kia and I went out to eat by ourselves.

“Sorry again about the ring size,” I said after we were seated. “When we get to Riverview I’ll take it to have it properly sized. Or you can pick out something different if you don’t like that one.”

I’d only gotten a band and it was too small so she couldn’t wear it. Since this was all very last minute, I’d just bought a floor sample from the jewelry store. Mine was too big so I’d taken it off and stuffed it in my pocket.

“I like the one you got, plus it matches yours. So…did you book us a room or something for tonight?”

“No why?”

“Oh…I just thought with it being our wedding night…” her face filled with color. 

“Um, yeah I didn’t…um Levi, Derek and me were going out after graduation practice. We’d made the plans before…but I’ll tell them I can’t.”

“No, don’t. It’s…it’s okay. I should pack up and stuff anyway.”

The rest of the lunch was tense and quiet. The next few days I didn’t see Kia much. The final countdown to graduation was busy. Mom and Dad were excited for me. Because they didn’t think the girls would stay quiet during the ceremony, Grandma and Grandpa were going to babysit for them. When I talked to them, I decided to not tell them over the phone about Kia, it was something best done face to face.

I’d spoken to Lily, my realtor. She was the sister of the manager at the store. Lily had been trying to help me find an apartment, but I told her I needed a house instead and quick. I’d already signed a lease on a place, but it was just a one bedroom, so I had to break that lease. I wasn’t sure what I was going to do about a living situation while I looked for a house.

Graduation day was here. Mom was already crying when she saw me in my cap and gown. The ceremony was long and boring. Too many speeches to sit through. Afterwards we took pictures with a few of my friends and Kia. I had explained to her that I wanted to tell my parents about us in person, so she was joining us for lunch.

“Kia, dear, where’s your family today?” Dad asked.

“My…my dad and I don’t really get along and my mom died several years ago.”

“Oh, dear, we’re so sorry to hear that,” Mom said reaching across the table to pat her hand. So what are your plans now?”

Kia shot me a nervous glance that both Mom and Dad seemed to notice. “I’m…um…moving to Riverview.”

“You are?” Dad asked looked over at me. It was now or never.

“Yes she’s moving with me,” I answered. “She, um…” one, two, three… “Well, something happened.”

I took a deep breath and launched into the story. I told them about the pranks and the party and the herbs, they were not happy about the herb thing. Even less when I told them how Kia and I ended up together. Her face was so red when I quickly explained that part. I left out Kia’s history. It wasn’t that I didn’t plan on telling them. I would, but it could wait until we were in a less public setting. I felt like a little kid waiting on them to say something, wondering what my ‘punishment’ would be. Not that they could do anything, but still I could see the look of disappointment on their faces so that was bad enough.

After a shocked silence, Mom was the first to speak. “How’ve you been feeling?”

“Um…sick some, but not too bad,” Kia replied quietly. “Mr. and Mrs. Solo…”

Dad held up his hand to stop her. “We’re family; just call us Jonas and Grace.”

He smiled and that seemed to put her at ease. “I know this probably isn’t how you expected to gain a daughter-in-law, but I wanted to just say thank you for being so nice.”

I knew they weren’t happy with me, but they would never say that in front of Kia. I thought about Kia’s dad for a moment, making me that much more grateful for the parents and family that I had. We discussed my lack of housing now so Mom suggested we just move back to Barnacle Bay until I found a house. Since they didn’t stay in the old one any longer, Kia and I could use that until we found something. It wasn’t ideal, since I’d have a nearly 2 hour commute to get to the store, but it was better than living in a hotel.

After dinner we headed back to the dorms to pick up our stuff then made the three hour drive back to Barnacle Bay. Mom took Ki with her to pick up the girls and I knew the lecture was coming once they were gone. 

“I won’t fuss about the practices of safe sex,” Dad said. “I get your judgement was impaired at the time. That kid should be glad your mom and I aren’t thinking about bringing him up on charges or something.”

“Dad, that’s a bit extreme don’t you think?”

“No, son, I don’t. What is extreme is you jumping to marriage. Getting married just because she’s pregnant isn’t the right reason.”

I dropped down onto the sofa. “I know, I know. It’s not what I intended. I’d asked her to move with me since she has no family and hadn’t landed a job. She still wanted to terminate Dad. I couldn’t, that whole thing with Claudia…so when I told her, she asked if we’d get married and I…I just said sure.”

Dad took a seat beside me. “Oh Matt, son…”

“What’s wrong with me Dad?”

“Nothing son. People make choices for different reasons that have nothing to do with you.”

“Claudia’s did. She didn’t want it because she thought I was poor.”

“That’s her problem, not yours.”

“It didn’t feel like it at the time.”

“I know son, but…but what you’ve done now. You’ve spent years saying this girl was only a friend. Now you’re married to her. You know she has feelings for you right?”
I nodded.
“Feelings, you don’t return.”

I nodded again. “She’s my friend. I care about her and her well-being, but no, I’m not in love with her.”

Dad let out a breath. “Matthew, marriage is a major commitment.”

He used Matthew instead of Matt, they only called me that when the serious talk was about to happen.

“I know and I thought about telling her we’d just parent jointly or something, but when I called to tell her, I couldn’t go through with it. She has no one Dad on top of having some syndrome thing, I just…I just did what I thought would be right.” I buried my face in my hands.


“Yeah,” I answered before filling him in on what I could remember.

Dad’s face showed shock and concern as I told him what Kia had said. When I was done, he got up to walk around a bit. Klutz came over, nudging my hand whimpering a bit. I rubbed his head, counting the number of strokes, while I nervously watched Dad walk back and forth.

“That sounds serious. Has she seen a doctor? Is she getting treatment?”

“I don’t know. We didn’t talk about it that much.”

“You didn’t…Matt…what…” he stopped and let out a forced exhale. “That could explain her lack of aura.”

We talked for a bit more. He told me he was proud of me for trying to take responsibility and care for Kia even if he didn’t approve of my methods. What was done was done and he told me I had to honor my commitment to her and my child. He said we’d talk to Grandma to see if she knew of a neurologist or someone we could talk to in order to get more information about Kia’s illness and possible treatments. After spending some time with my sisters and having dinner, Mom and Dad made the ‘long’ trip home leaving me alone with Kia.

“You…um, you can take the master bedroom.”

“Where are you sleeping?”

“My room.”

“Oh…I just…I just thought that we’d share a room. But…um…goodnight Matt,” she said quickly. She hurried into my parent’s room, closing the door loudly.

What the hell? I stood staring at the door debating on if I should go talk to her or not. Klutz whined a bit as he scratched at the door. I was tired and just wanted to go to sleep, instead heading to my room, I walked over and knocked on the door. She didn’t respond. I heard sniffling, followed shortly by the closing of another door, and then the water coming on.

“Come on boy, let’s go to bed.” Klutz trotted behind me as I headed to my room. 

That night I stared up at the ceiling for hours before finally falling asleep.


  1. Wow! So much happened in this update. I knew the loveless marriage was going to be an issue. Kia wants more than what Matt is willing to give. She wants a real marriage but Matt just doesn't feel the same way. Not a good starting point and I have a feeling it's going to get worse.

    Grace and Jonas weren't happy but they're trying to help make the best out of a precarious situation. It was nice to see Jonas and Matt talking but what a tense conversation!

    I'm thinking there's going to more, much more trouble for Matt and Kia. It's not going to be easy for either of them. :(

    1. Yeah, I'm trying to cover ground to catch up to game play. Kia has been in love with Matt for a while now and so she views this marriage a lot differently than he does. :( Matt wants to do the right thing, but he's considered her a friend for so long, that seeing her in a different light will take time, and it might not ever happen. He's not trying to be mean on purpose, he's just a bit clueless right now, but Kia sees it as a rejection of sorts.

      They weren't happy, not at all, but they are very poised when handling things. Matt is an adult now and free to make his own choices. They may not agree, but they will support him like good parents and help where they can.

      With them view this marriage differently, more troubles are bound to happen. :( Kia wants a real marriage and Matt saw it as a mean to an end so she would keep the baby. Saying they aren't on the same page is an understatement. Hell they aren't even in the same book.

      thanks for reading

  2. A lot did happen in this chapter and I feel so bad for both Matt and Kia. She obviously wants more from this marriage than Matt is willing to give and he obviously does not feel comfortable in this marriage. Its a loveless marriage and a recipe for disaster for both of them. I really wish that Matt would have listened to his second thought or Levi's advice by not getting married. He could still take care of her and the baby without being married. You could tell during that dinner after the ceremony that both of them felt awkward. The graduation dinner was even more awkward especially for Grace and Jonas. I bet the last thing they expected was to hear that Matt was married and they were going to be grandparents.

    The talk that Jonas had with Matt who was trying to give him advice was perfect. As I am sure both of his parents could tell that his heart was not in this married and no good would come of all this. This is going to be a struggle for all of them especially the child.

    1. Yeah :( it's not an ideal situation. Kia wants a 'real' marriage and Matt still thinks of it as an arrangement. To him they are roommates more than anything since he can't see her as anything other than a friend right now. Matt should have listened to his instincts and Levi, but he didn't. It will take some time for them to figure things out, if it even happens. Matt will have to change his view on things and that may not be easy since there is so much happening at once. He can't handle all the change.

      LOL Jonas and Grace were not expecting that news for sure! They were able to take the news with poise and grace, but man it was a shock to them. Matt even knew that he would have a private talk coming at a later time. The father/son talk was needed. Jonas expressed his disapproval for Matt's actions, but still let him know that they would support him. Knowing he acted out of fear based on his experience with Claudia let Jonas understand how things snowballed like they did. Now they just have to figure out how to make it work.

      thanks for reading

  3. Grace, Jonas - I can't believe how well you took this oO If I had gotten pregnant by a friend I had no feelings for because I had taken drugs my parents would not have been this lovely!! Hats off to you, Grace and Jonas! I like how calm they are both being. I fear for Kia given the nature of this challenge but I shall pray that everything will be alright, and that they'll even miraculously find a cure for her condition. Let me pretend that they'll all live happily ever after for a moment, k? :)

    It must be so difficult for both of them. It's obvious that Matt doesn't want to be with her romantically but I think poor Kia got her hopes up that getting married would do exactly that :/ They need to have a serious talk without hurting each other, though I'm pretty sure that's not possible.

    1. LOL...well Matt is an adult. There's only so much yelling or fussing they could really do. They really acted under the situation of what's done is done. Beating Matt over the head with how irresponsible that whole situation was wouldn't have done any good. They could already tell he knew that and it wasn't his fault on the drugs. Jonas has always been good at taking a situation and working to find a solution and that's what he'll do now. He did let Matt know how he and Grace felt about his choices, but it was too late to change them. They have to focus now on Kia having a healthy pregnancy and getting her help for her illness.

      I'll let you have your moment to dream of their happily ever after. :)

      Kia does have her hopes up. She loves Matt, has for a while, but she has known he hasn't felt the same way. They've been friends, and he's dated other women during that time. Nothing serious, but still never with her and she picked up on that. Kia wants this to be a real marriage and Matt is not on that same page. They will need to have a serious talk.

      thanks for reading

  4. Matt is such a good guy, with such good intentions but sometines takes such bad decisions.... He's not helping her getting her into this loveless marriage at all. Actually he's aggravating her problems....
    I don't know... I have a bad feeling about this.... Marriage is supposed to be for love and love only, not pity!

    1. He tries. His parents raised him well and his father gave him a great example to look up to. He did make a bad decision, but he acted rashly. This marriage will probably only increase both of their issues sadly. :(

      Marriage is supposed to be about love and they entered this one for all the wrong reasons. It is off to a rocky start.

      thanks for reading

  5. Ohhh, Matt-boy. I feel so conflicted as to what to tell you. Knowing the future somewhat (as it is going Solo...) I'm assuming their marriage won't last long, so I want to say embrace the time they have. He must feel something for her, focus on the friendship they have built up. It may take some time to get to romantic love, but there is something there so try to fan that flame. I also can't imagine Jonas being angry with anyone, ever. Especially Matt.

    1. Yeah, Matt is just as conflicted. :( Well we both know I fudge on that 'solo' aspect, so anything is possible. Matt does care about her as a friend. He sorta felt early on she needed someone and he became that person. He has to get out of that friend zone and try to open himself up for other feelings if their marriage is going to work. I'll just take him a minute to figure that out. Jonas doesn't get angry often, but he has his moments. He wasn't really angry at Matt, but he and Grace were a bit disappointed in his choices. They won't beat the point into the ground as there isn't a point. Now they are in 'take care' mode considering it's a lot more to take on than just a baby.

      thanks for reading

  6. Aww, this is so sad for all of them. Poor Kai, she thinks that he's in love with her and I think this is going to end up breaking poor Kai's heart.
    And Matt so lost...I can't blame him for agreeing though, with his past...he'd do anything to keep his child.

    1. :( It's not a good situation for sure. Kia knows that Matt isn't in love with her, but it doesn't stop her from hoping this will be a 'real' marriage. His little rejections, like not sleeping in the same room, hurt even though he's not aware that's what he's doing. They are viewing the marriage in two different ways and that will cause an issue.

      Matt is so lost right now. He panicked when she thought about not keeping it given his history. Now he's in a situation he didn't intend so he could keep his child.

      thanks for reading

  7. Oh wow. He doesn't have any romantic feelings for her? He's either going to learn to love her, be miserable, or break her heart into tiny pieces. A loveless marriage? The kids will pick up on that for sure.

    I think he made a bad situation worse but I can understand his tunnel vision with the thought of losing another child.

    (PS I LOVE seeing Jonas in your game. He's still one of my FAVS!)

    1. No, Matt has always seen Kia as a friend so while he cares about her it doesn't extend pass a platonic level. :( He will have to learn to love her or it's not going to be a good situation. He married her for the wrong reasons and Kia knows it's because of the baby, but at the same time, she's hoping he'll return her feelings.

      He had major tunnel vision and acted impulsively. Let's hope it doesn't backfire on him.

      I love having him! I can't thank you enough for letting me bring him back to life and pairing him with Grace. He's one of my faves too!!

      thanks for reading

  8. I can't say that I am not getting a sense of deja vu from this incident. I know it wasn't exactly the same with Claudia, but I feel like the one sided relationship thing is very much like that. When Matt found out Claudia was pregnant, he wanted to marry her. I don't know why he's like that, just so eager to jump into something that serious, and I almost wish he hadn't been in Kia's hospital room to convince her not to terminate. The very thing I feared for Matt if he had married Claudia is coming true because he married Kia from that same messed up situation (to terminate or not). I know it's different because Kia isn't a gold digger, but the fact still remains that the kid is going to grow up in a house where their father doesn't love their mother the way a husband should love his wife. I'm not claiming to say that everyone who did get married for love ends up raising a child in a happy environment, because even those couples get sidetracked and the family can turn out dysfunctional, but I'm saying that entering a one-sided marriage and bringing a child into it is... that wasn't smart, Matt. "Doing right" by someone, isn't always black and white, and yes, it's admirable for a father to be in their child's life, but this just doesn't seem right in any way to me.

    1. You are because it's there. History is in a way repeating itself even though the situations are different. With Claudia, teenage him thought he was in love with her and his father raised him to always do the right thing. That added with his 'quirky' tendencies he jumped to right thing=marry baby momma. Would that have been a good idea? HELL NO! but again he was in panic mode.

      If Kia had terminated without even talking to Matt that would have killed him even more. A second time he wasn't given a say in the situation. Should he have waited and talked about it not in the heat of the moment? Yes, but he didn't do that. Their marriage isn't the ideal boy meets girl thing, but that doesn't mean the child won't grow up in a loving home. Matt is never unkind to Kia so their child wouldn't see a strain like that between them and whose to say Matt won't fall in love with her. They are friends and have been for a while. He cares about her and her well being as a friend and that would carry over to the marriage.

      It is very one-sided as Kia is in love, but Matt isn't and she knows that. :( Considering her history, her mind frame was this was better than nothing because her prospects for life outside of college weren't looking good. Jonas told him the same thing, being married isn't the only way to be there for his child.

      thanks for reading
