Friday, March 13, 2015

Gen. 5.9-Matthew

Kia was sleeping after they gave her a sedative. She woke up and freaked out when they were trying to give her the IV. She kept screaming about not being drugged up and fighting to get free. It was scary to watch her lose it like that. I’d always had a feeling there was something off about Kia. I mean I knew about her forgetfulness, and random outbursts, but today was something different. I heard her let out a small groan from the bed.

“Hey, welcome back,” I said getting up to stand beside her. She tried to raise her arm only to realize they were restrained.

“Wh…what. Let me go!” She yelled yanking her arm harder.

“Kia, calm down, okay!”

“Matt…please get these things off me. Please!” She begged. “I can’t end up like her! I can’t!”

My heart increased. Holy shit she was losing it again! She kept yanking at the restraining cuffs, tears ran from the corner of her eyes. I didn’t know what to do. I could only watch in horror as she had a meltdown.

“Matt please!!!”She begged.

“Ms. Borders you’ve got to calm down.” The doctor said as he and the nurse rushed into the room.
Kia continued to scream and fight; kicking her legs and trying to yank her arms free.

More nurses rushed into the room and I backed up against the wall, taking deep slow breaths trying to keep a lid on my own growing anxiety. What the hell was wrong with her? Finally one of the nurses injected something into her IV and after a few moments she started to calm down. Kia started to cry and kept saying she didn’t want to end up like her. Who was her? The walls felt like they were closing in on me. I struggled for breath. I needed to get out of this room. I pushed my way past the small crowd that had gathered outside her door. Once outside I took off in a run. I needed to run long and hard.

One…two…three…I started counting my strides. Her freak out was unreal. Seven…eight…nine…Why would she act so crazy when all they wanted to do was help? Fourteen…fifteen…sixteen…Who was her and why didn’t she want to end up the same way? I kept running. I passed students looking at me but I didn’t care. I kept going til I was off campus. Maybe she was right about us going our separate ways. One hundred thirty…one hundred thirty-one…No, I couldn’t just abandon her. She was my friend and clearly she needed one.
I stopped. My breathing was heavy. I was sweating a lot. It would be a long walk back to campus. Luckily I was able to hail a cab. After a quick shower, I headed back to the clinic to see if she was still there. I knocked lightly and heard her say come in.

“Matt!” She said happily, her face breaking out into a large grin. “How did you know I was here? Are those for me?” she asked pointing at the flowers.

“Um…yeah,” I replied sitting them down on the table. “How are you feeling?” I looked and noticed the cuffs were gone.

“I’m good. Ready to get out of here, but I have to wait on the doc.”

On cue the doctor from earlier knocked once then entered. “Ms. Borders, it’s nice to see you in better spirits.” A few seconds later, a second doctor walked in. “Ms. Borders I want to introduce you to Dr. Bunch. Young man, I’m going to need you to step outside for a moment while we discuss some things with Ms. Borders,” Dr. Alvi said turning his attention to me.

“No!” Kia yelled out. “I…I want him to stay. Matt please don’t go.”

I wasn’t really comfortable with hearing whatever it was they were about to tell her, but I pulled up a chair and took a seat beside the bed.

“Alright,” he agreed. “Well, Ms. Borders I have some concerns, that’s why Dr. Bunch is here. You’re earlier behavior makes me think you might need some additional help.”

“What kind of help?” I asked.

“You’re a shrink aren’t you?” Kia asked looking at the other doctor.

“Yes I am. Dr. Alvi asked me to consult.”

Kia shifted in her bed and looked over at me quickly.

“Do you want me to go?” I silently hoped she’d say yes, but instead she shook her head no.

“There’s not much you can do for me. You just want to dope me up and have me stare at a wall for the rest of my life. I won’t let you do it!”

“Ms. Borders, no one is suggesting that, but given your condition…”

“I know about my condition,” she said cutting him off. “There’s nothing you can do.”

“I think you misunderstand Ms. Borders. We did bloodwork on you, and although your HGC numbers are low, I do believe you are pregnant. We’ll need to wait a few more weeks and retest you…”

“Pregnant?” I said, getting up and pacing around the small room. This was not happening. This could not be happening! How in the hell did this happen?! Fuck! I was going to kill Levi!


“Huh?” I answered. All three of them were looking at me.

“I take it by your reaction to this news, you must be the father,” Dr. Alvi commented.

“Yeah most likely.”

I massaged my temples. One…two…three…My head was throbbing. I was graduating in a week’s time. I was preparing to start my life officially joining in on the family business. Now I was being told I was going to be a father. Four…five…six…Not only was I going to be a father, but the mother of my child was more unstable than I had even imagined. I didn’t think this could get any worse.

“I can’t have it.”

I was wrong. I was hit with a bad case of deja vu. Ten…eleven…twelve…Claudia telling me she was pregnant then in the same breath saying she wasn’t keeping it. What was wrong with me? Two women pregnant. Two women that wanted to terminate. The doctors and Kia were talking and it was all so surreal. This couldn’t be happening again.
“No! I get a say!” They all turned to look at me.

“Sir, understand…”

“No! I…get…a…say! If she is pregnant, then that means that child is half mine, and I will not be kept out of the decision making!” I turned to look at Kia. “Look, whatever’s going on with you I will help. I know none of this was planned, but we need to talk about this.”

“We’ll give you two a moment,” Dr. Alvi said.

After they left I started pacing. I needed calm. I needed routine. “What’s wrong with you?”

“Nothing’s wrong with me!” she snapped back.

“I…sorry…didn’t mean it like that. It’s just, well I know something is off. I’m not passing judgment, I’m the last one that would do that, but considering we’re going to be parents, I think I have a right to know.”

Kia ran her hand through her hair and let out a loud breath. “Matt you called that night a mistake, now you’re talking about a lifelong commitment with a girl you were ashamed to have slept with.”

“I wasn’t ashamed Kia. I…it’s just that I didn’t want to blur the lines with our friendship.”

“Why not?”

“Because…because it could complicate things and I like to avoid complications if possible.”

“Complicate? Why because I’m crazy?”

“What? No! Kia, I’ve never thought you were crazy. A little…different, yes, but I’ve never called you names or talked about you like that.”

She took a deep breath and looked away. She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and chewed on her bottom lip. “You’ve always been nice to me Matt. Maybe you’ve never said mean things about me, but others have and as much as I’d like to say they are all just assholes I can’t. The reality of it is, it’s true. I am crazy, or will be soon enough.” She wiped away a stray tear that rolled down her cheek.

How do I respond to that? I couldn’t. I just stared at her as I tried to process the fact she called herself crazy. 

“Boy if you could see your face right now,” she said laughing. “Take a seat Matt. I’ll tell you everything and at the end you’ll agree that it wouldn't be fair to bring a child into this world with me.”

I sat in the chair and waited for her to reveal everything. I could see she was uncomfortable talking about it. She started, then stopped a few times, but she eventually told me her whole sad tale. She had a rare degenerative, neurological condition the doctors called Harts syndrome, which fell under the umbrella of dementia. It was something that was hereditary and but it had been years since anyone in her family had suffered from it. The last person was her great-great grandmother. That was until her mother. 

Kia wept when she told me how her mom started forgetting to pick her up from school or how she left her at a restaurant when Kia had gone to the bathroom. She’d simply forgotten Kia was with her. From the onset of symptoms to when her father had her mother committed was one year. Kia said her mother’s condition went downhill quickly and her father was too embarrassed to care for her. Six months later, Kia was sent to live with her aunt. She was only 12 at the time. When her father learned the condition could be passed down, and it only affected the women in Kia’s family, he got rid of her.

“I hadn’t even displayed symptoms, he simply didn’t want me because I was ‘defective’” she cried.

“Of course that’s not the excuse he gave. He said it was because he traveled so often for work that he couldn’t properly care for me now that mom wasn’t around. He started out visiting, but they got to be less and less frequent until they stopped altogether.”

“Kia…I’m sorry.”

She shrugged. “It’s okay. Anyway I guess he was right in a way. My senior year of high school little things started to happen. I’d forget a homework assignment or I’d wake up on Saturday mornings frantic because I was late for school. I was scared, so scared because things happened so quickly with my mom and I did not want to be like her. Lifeless, spending days staring out a window.”

“Is your mom still in the hospital?”

She shook her head. “She died my freshman year of high school. I felt so bad because I’d stopped going to see her. It was scary to see her that way so I didn’t go; besides it’s not like she knew who I was anyway. Hell, she barely even knew we were there half the time.  My aunt used to try and guilt me into it, but I would ride with her to that horrible place but refuse to get out of the car. So she stopped making me go.”

“Your aunt, you’ve never gone to visit her since I’ve known you.”

“She’s dead. Had a heart attack. That morning we met, I’d actually just gotten back from her memorial service. So my only family is the man that doesn’t want me. He has 3 kids with his new wife, but I’ve never met them. I’m his dirty little secret I guess. He sends me a card twice a year for my birthday and Christmas.”

I handed Kia some tissues from the box on the table and watched as she broke down into tears. I didn’t know what to do or say as I tried to digest everything she’d told me. I knew part of the reason I stayed only friends with her was that although I tried to brush off my dad’s warnings, I knew something was off about Kia. I just didn’t know how bad until now. The things she’d displayed were mild and they could and would get worse. If that wasn’t bad enough, the child she was carrying could inherit this condition. Well if it was a girl, it could.

I got up and started pacing. “One, two, three, four…”

“What are you doing?” she asked between sniffles.

“Counting. Counting helps me when I’m stressed.”


I went back to walking and counting. This was bad. Mom and Dad would be pissed, but they would help. They are always supportive. Kia could just move to Riverview with me.



“Look, you’ve always been nice to me. The only good thing that’s come of this illness was it let me meet you. That said…you would have never had sex with me had you not been…compromised. I have no family, no real idea what I’m going to do after college since none of the interviews I did have panned out. That coupled with the risk I could pass this along…”

She sounded like her mind was already made up. Just like Claudia. I’m…not…keeping…it! I don’t want it. When and if I become some brat’s mother it will be with a guy that can take care of me in the manner I require. Her hateful words replayed and they hurt today as much as they hurt then. Mom was so upset, I couldn’t do that to her again.

“Don’t do this Kia. Please! You won’t be alone. You have me. My family likes you. Come to Riverview with me. My family is loaded, we can get you the best care. I know you think this thing with you is like some sort of death sentence, but I think you’re wrong. You’ve proven that by still being you despite the fact you said you started having symptoms in high school.”

She still looked unconvinced. I needed to make her see that there were other options. She had to consider other options. I hadn’t told anyone about Claudia; never my high school friends, not anyone at college. That whole event stayed within the family, but I told Kia. Her reasons may have been different, but the end result would be the same, so she needed to know.

 “Sooo you want us to get married and live in Riverview?”

Married?! That wasn’t exactly my thinking, but for the first time since we started talking, Kia looked hopeful. I was foolishly willing to marry Claudia, so if that’s what it took, then I guess marriage would be it.

“Yeah, we can find a place and once we’re settled we can figure out things.”

Her face lit up into a large smile, and then it dropped. “Promise me one thing.”


“I don’t want to end up like my mother. Locked up. Please promise me you’ll not abandon me and lock me away.”

“I promise.”

So Kia's illness is totally made up. I named it after Gus and Dorie Hart since based on their bios they both have the insane trait.

The hospital room is part of a larger build called the Cottonwood Medical Center by  Martine.


  1. Oh Wow what an update, so many things happened here. So now we know why Kia's behavior is so strange and this poor girl has really suffered in her life. She loses her mother to a mental illness first and than later on her mother dies. The only alive parent doesn't want her and doesn't want her to be a part of his family so she doesn't even know her siblings. On top of all this she knows that she is suffering from this horrible illness and is pregnant as a result of a practical joke.

    Now to the other victim of this practical joke Matt who has his own issues with this situation. He is flashback to the situation with Claudia which was totally out of his hands and is not thinking straight. He knows he is not in love with this girl but he wants to do the right thing by her. Its not only the baby, she is a damsel in distress and he is a good guy who wants to play the White Knight and save her. He also has issues because the last time this happened he had no say and his hands were tied, this time he wants it to be different. One good thing for sure at least he has the best money to get Kia the help that she needs, but going into a loveless marriage is never a good idea. These days he can take care of Kia and the baby without getting married.

    Great update and I loved the hospital room.

    1. Yep, we finally got Kia's back story. She's not had a good life with losing her mother and her father basically cutting her out of his life. Her aunt loved and cared for her, so losing her was tough on Kia as well. :( She has been fully aware of her illness for a while and has tried to maintain as normal a life as she could. Ending up pregnant was not part of her life plan, but thanks to Levi, she's now faced with that dilemma.

      Matt, he's trying to keep it together, poor guy. This whole thing brought back all those ugly memories of Claudia. Feeling helpless, overwhelmed, and remembering how upset his mother was, he wanted to avoid that again. He's not in love with Kia, he sees her as a friend and would stand by her as such without a second thought. Hearing her story only made him want to stand by her more knowing she's so alone. He can get the best help for Kia and he will try as much as he can. He hadn't planned on the marriage part. She sorta zeroed in on that part of his story and in his state of mind, he feared that if he told her no that she'd not take it well. His main goal was keeping her from terminating. Not the best way to start a marriage, with the feelings so off balanced. :(

      thanks for reading, glad you enjoyed it. The whole hospital is very handy, we'll see it again, although transformed a bit for the wedding. I was lazy and didn't want to put down a second location. LOL

  2. I'm glad we finally got to hear her whole story but poor Kia, what a hard life she must have led :( I'm so relieved she's keeping the baby!! It's not right that they're kinda pressured into marriage but they're willing to do what's right for the child and that's an admirable thing to do. I hope Kia can get the help she needs, it'd be terrible to watch first her and then their child or grandchild go through this :/

    1. Yep, it was time to get the mystery behind Kia. She has been handed rotten lemons in life, her bright spot since her aunt's death has been Matt. Yep, she will keep it after seeing how much Matt wanted to keep it. We'll Matt was sorta pressured into the marriage. When he told her the story about Claudia and that he offered to marry her, Kia honed in on that and jumped to the idea of her moving with him to Riverview came with a marriage. He agreed because he was afraid telling her no would make her change her mind on the baby. :( He would do right by her even if they didn't get married, but now he's taking that plunge to ensure his child lives. Matt will get her help, but there is only so much the doctors can do. I left it open to being able to skip generations since I don't want to deal with mental issues each time. If an heir rolls the insane or unstable trait, then I'll write it in as this illness coming back. If no one ever does, well then we'll just go with that. It'll all depend on the traits they roll and they have to be female. LOL

      thanks for reading

  3. WOW! That ties it all together then. Does Kia have the insane trait? I forget. I feel bad Matt feels he has to marry her, but I know he can give her a very good life, for however long she has. This makes me wonder about the long-term plot of your story, if this disease will pop up again in a few generations. Something tells me you wouldn't write three back to back generations of it.
    Well, Matt, I admire you for doing everything you can for your baby. I hope they live in the country surrounded by beauty.

    1. Yep, all the questions about Kia have been answered. He wasn't planning on marrying her, but when she asked, he didn't want to tell her no because of the situation. It's not ideal, but hopefully they'll be able to make it work. I don't have a long term plot for the story. LOL I'm terrible at plotting so I was taking each generation as they came based of the traits they got and worked the story around those. I did leave it open to skipping generations I had Kia and her mom get it back to back for purposes of the story, but before that, a few generations had been unaffected. Plus I made it a female only thing as well. I roll the dice on the traits normally so when/if I get a female that gets insane or unstable as a trait, then it will be the illness showing back up.

      Matt will do the right thing and try to care for Kia and their baby to the best of his ability.

      thanks for reading

  4. Oh wow! Poor Kia and Matt. I'm glad he was able to easily pursued her to keep the baby, I do hope they can have a happily ever after and they find some way to help Kia.

    1. Yeah, they are in a bad situation right now thanks to Levi. :( He was able to talk her into keeping the baby, but not sure how easy it was. LOL He will try to get her treatment and do right by her.

      thanks for reading

  5. All caught up with Matt's generation. With how Claudia was to him won't be one bit surprised if she is the first inner beauty victim. Or perhaps Levi can be the first inner beauty victim plus have his butt kicked for what he did to poor Matt and Kia. What a horrible prank. I feel sorry for Kia, no family, a terrible mental illness and pregnant to boot. I know Matt can and will keep very good care of her and the child. But entering a loveless marriage is never really a good idea. Maybe love can come in time or maybe not. I guess we will see as things progress. I hope everything works out for the best and Kia finds a cure or a very good treatment that can help her out in the long run. Can't wait to see the new heir/heiress.

    1. Thanks for catching up. Claudia very well could be the first inner beauty victim. She certainly deserves it. Levi we won't see again, so it won't be him. It would have been fitting though, but after Davis' girlfriend counter got messed up in game for dating while at Uni, I opted not to turn any students there just to be on the safe side.

      The prank he pulled was too over the top and went too far! He should have never done it, and now both Kia and Matt are paying the consequences. Kia has had it rough. :( Matt wants to do what's right, but marrying her may not necessarily be the right thing. He doesn't love her, could he in time? Possibly, but it's not something you should have to work at doing. Hopefully things will work out for them. I'm ready to meet the new family member too!

      thanks for reading

  6. Oh my! What a mess all around. :( Poor Matt and poor, poor Kia! Now we know why she was acting so odd. Poor girl has been through so much and poor Matt just wants to do the right thing. It just goes to show that practical jokes can get WAY out of hand very quickly. :( I don't think this is going to bode well for either of them. Being in a loveless marriage and starting out so rocky isn't a good thing. I'm so glad she's keeping the baby though. All those ugly memories of Claudia still haunts him and he doesn't want to go through that again.

    Awesome update and can't wait to read more. Also, I loved the hospital and have downloaded it. I now have two hospitals to choose from. I love choices. LOL!

    1. I big old mess for sure! Now we know why she has had those odd moments, it's not her fault. :( This is a very good example of a joke gone way WAY wrong! Levi took things too far spiking Matt's drink then inviting Kia over to 'reap' the rewards. Matt felt like marriage was the best way to keep her from making the same choice as Claudia although that wasn't his initial plan. :( The feelings in this marriage are very one sided. Kia most likely is in love with Matt, but Matt doesn't feel the same way. He cares about her, sure, but nothing romantic. That coupled with how they ended up together makes for a bad situation. He proved that he was still affected by what Claudia did. :(

      I'm working on chapter 10, but I need to give some attention to my baby challenge so going to try and work on that this week. Glad you liked the hospital and you can hopefully get some use out of it.

      thanks for reading

  7. Fantastic update. Wow, I never would've guessed you made up that syndrome. :)
    Oh boy. I was afraid she might be pregnant. I'm glad Matt is willing to own up to What's his faces mistake of giving him that potion/herb.

    1. Yep, I wanted to find some way to tie it in with sims and the Harts worked out well. Levi's prank had bigger consequences than he could have imagined. Kia doesn't date so wasn't on birth control and Matt was not thinking about being safe thanks to his state of mind. :( After his history with Claudia, he would want to keep the child and do what was necessary to take care of it and Kia. Levi has no idea how much trouble he caused.

      thanks fro reading

  8. Great and sad update in the same time. I'm sorry for Kia, she had a very sad story, losing her mother, being rejected by her family and friends.
    It's a very difficult decision they have to take, the danger of having a babygirl with the same fate or not having the baby at all.
    It's beautiful of Matt offering his total support but in the same time it's a great responsibility.

    1. Kia hasn't had it easy in life. Losing mom, her father rejecting her, her aunt dying. She really was alone until Matt came along.

      Matt never second guessed keeping the baby. The moment he heard she was pregnant he went into take care mode. She was still hurting from what she felt was a rejection that morning after plus with her illness, having a baby would not be ideal, especially on her own.

      Matt will do what he needs to take care of her, even if it means entering a marriage he doesn't really want.

      thanks for reading

  9. Wow nice! The made up disease, Harts syndrome. It's very creative. XD
    I had a feeling that when Kia was screaming about being in restraints that she had a family member in a psychiatric ward. So her aura is grey because she's ill? That could be an interesting way for say, a doctor who was a fairy, to diagnose people. LOL.
    T_T Poor Matt. I don't know if his decision is the best, I mean, I understand him not wanting to do that again because of Claudia, and this time he has a say, but I feel like he's just rushing in all of this just because he doesn't want to terminate. It's like he's picking something he doesn't really want just to prevent something else that he wants even less, but the key is he's not picking anything that he wants to do. Correct me if I'm wrong of course, but I just get a feeling he's making rash decisions out of desperation.

    1. Thanks. I wanted something to tie back into Sims and to not make it overly Real World serious.

      Yeah, she really freaked out when she saw the restraints and now you know why. Yep, her grey aura is due to her illness. Well for a fairy they would know something is off, but they would still need medical help to figure out what. By a certain age, a person (human) should have come into who they are unless mental illness is in effect. Or something to that effect but I try not to get too technical to avoid painting myself into a corner. :P

      Well yeah, it's not a wise decision and his first thought wasn't marriage. He did panic because as you see, that whole thing with Claudia has still affected him. :( When he asked her to move, it was more for a co-parenting I'll help you out thing, but since Kia is in love with him and heard he was willing to marry Claudia she jumped on that. He agreed out of fear she'd terminate instead of sticking by his first plan. :( Not ideal at all, I agree. You're not wrong at all, that whole scene was to show his desperation and bad decisions that came from it. Claudia's words cut him deep as a teen and to hear a second woman wanted to terminate just put him in self-doubt panic mode. It became about him and what was wrong with him instead of stopping to think about the bigger picture. We'll see if this works out or not.

      thanks for reading.
