Monday, December 14, 2015

Gen. 5.20-Matthew

Dad tried to convince me not to do this. With everything that had happened yesterday and this morning, he told me I’d had a panic attack and passed out. He didn’t think I could handle any more stress, but I didn’t have a choice. I didn’t even know why I had to be here, they knew it was Kia, she was found in her room, but they said it was procedure. That same word Ms. Logan stated when she showed up. Everything was procedure. They needed her next of kin to make a positive ID, so here I stood looking down at my wife. I kept hoping this was a bad dream, that at any moment I’d wake and the nightmare would be over. She was gone. She’d spent the last few hours of her life probably scared and angry, thinking she was unwanted. Her father had abandoned her and then I sent her here. Why didn’t she believe I would come back for her? Why did she do this?

I felt a hand on my shoulder. “They need you to sign some papers.”

I followed Dad over to the desk area then signed where I was instructed. The doctor muttered his condolences as he handed me a plastic bag labeled patient belongings. Inside were Kia’s clothes. He then handed me a smaller bag that held her wedding ring.

“She never took it off. Why did you take it off?”

“Um, the patients aren’t allowed jewelry or any personal effects. She would have gotten it back when she was discharged.”

“Put it back on.”

The doctor looked over at Dad first before replying. “Sir, that’s not our policy…”

“I don’t care!” I yelled interrupting him. “She needs to have it on!” I continued, taking a step towards the man.

Dad stepped between us. “Matt, we’ll take it with us and make sure it’s put back on at the funeral home. We don’t want it lost or stolen in transit.” The doctor looked grateful for his assistance. I stuffed Kia’s ring in my pocket before walking out the cold, metal doors. I needed out of this place.

“Mr. Solo.” I heard being called out behind me; I turned to see a man hurrying our direction. “Mr. Solo, I’m so glad I caught you,” he said, stopping to catch his breath. “I’m Mr. Owen, hospital administrator. We are all so deeply sorry for your loss.”

I looked at the man. He had beads of sweat pooling on his wrinkled forehead. He rubbed the back of his neck nervously. I didn’t know why he was looking for Dad and I didn’t care. I only wanted to get home and go to bed.

“Sir, if I could have a moment of your time,” he called out to my back as I walked off. Dad said something about it not being a good time before catching up to me.

We didn’t talk on the car ride home. Dad was always good about not pushing conversation. When we got home, Mom was waiting, but she wasn’t alone. I didn’t want to entertain guest, even if it was my family. Pops and GiGi were there along with some stranger.

“Oh honey, your mom told us about Kia,” Gigi said as she walked over to hug me. “We are going to help you get through this.”

“I thought you two were on triplet duty.”

“We were,” Pops answered, “until Wolfie and Abby showed up this morning. With her,” he finished, pointing in the direction of the stranger. “This is Rayne Bryant, she’s a family law attorney. Wolfie says she’s the best; she got him custody of his grandchildren a few years back. He contacted her when he heard what was going on, we were lucky she was able to move somethings around on her schedule to come. With her help, we’ll get Cameron home in no time.”

The woman walked over to shake my hand. “Sorry we aren’t meeting under better circumstances. My condolences on the loss of your wife.”

So news of my failures had already spread through the family network and beyond if Pops’ friend even knew what was going on.

“I…I’m tired.”

My attempt to head upstairs was stopped by Mom. “Sweetie, I know today has turned out to be as terrible as yesterday. You have to make arrangements for Kia, your father and I will help with that. You need to sit and talk with Ms. Bryant.”

“There’s nothing to talk about!” I snapped.

Dad was in my face instantly. “I am going to give you a pass just this once because I know you are dealing with a lot…just this once,” he finished slowly, putting emphasis on his words. “But you will never yell at your mother again. Do I make myself clear?”

I dropped my head in shame. I couldn’t even respond. Here I was, a supposed adult, being reprimanded by my father like I was a child. One…two…three…four…I nodded my head slightly before turning to pull out a chair. Ms. Bryant walked over and took a seat. I sat in the chair to her left, keeping my back to my family. I dutifully sat and recounted everything that happened yesterday. I filled her in on Kia’s condition, the treatments I’d been trying to get for her. I answered every question she asked of me while doing my best to ignore the anxious feeling in my stomach.

It’d been with me since the cop showed up at the store and it was only getting worse. When she was done grilling me, Pops and GiGi offered to drive her back to her hotel. My car was still at the hospital, so they were going to pick it up on the way back. Dad and Mom weren’t downstairs and I knew I needed to go apologize to her. Klutz came over, nudging my leg. He’d seemed just as restless as I felt, like he knew something was wrong. Grabbing his leash from the hook on the wall, I took him out for a walk. The fresh air and exercise would do us both some good. I knew I couldn’t overdo it since I was still sore from yesterday, but a short walk wouldn’t hurt. It would also give me time to work up the courage to face my parents.

The air was cold; I could clearly see my breath on each exhale. I counted each time my feet nosily crunched onto the snow covered ground. Shoving my free hand into my pocket, my fingers came in contact with the small plastic bag that contained Kia’s wedding ring. I closed my fist around it. Twenty-four hours ago I was a husband and father. The difference a day can make.

When I got back home, everyone was downstairs. Mom was busy making sandwiches. Pops was on the phone, and from the sound of things he was talking to Aunt Hope. They were flying in tomorrow.

“Are you hungry?” Mom asked, holding a plate out towards me.

Slowly I walked forward, I could feel Dad and GiGi watching me. “Not really,” I replied, taking the plate and sitting it back on the counter. “I’m sorry.”

Mom smiled then pulled me into a hug, “Oh Sweetie, it’s fine. I’m sorry you have to go through all of this. We all loved Kia and my heart aches for you.”

“I…I should start making the arrangements.”

“Do you want us to help?”

I shook my head. Keeping busy, keeping focus on something was what I needed. Klutz was on my heels as I headed upstairs to my room. I loved my family, but right now I wanted to be alone. Klutz again ran forward, this time scratching at Cameron’s now closed door.

“He’s not there, boy.” He whimpered, then let out a bark before scratching at the door again. “I said he’s not there!” His ears went back and his tail was tucked between his legs. Klutz slowly followed behind me as I walked towards my room, I slammed the door behind me before he could follow me in.

There was a knock at my door. “Matt we need to get going,” Dad called out.

I flushed the toilet before stumbling over to the sink to rinse out my mouth before brushing my teeth. I counted, making sure I did an even number of brushes on all sides. My stomach ached; I’d already thrown up three times this morning. Checking the sink, I made sure all the knobs were off. One…two…three…four…five…six.

Six steps from the bathroom to the bed. I pulled the covers, making sure the comforter was wrinkle free. I hadn’t been able to really sleep since Friday night. I’d toss and turn, the bed felt too big for just me. I finally ended up getting a few hours when I’d moved to the floor. The clock read 8:15, we needed to leave to be at the courthouse before 9. This had been the longest weekend of my life. Ms. Bryant had been back yesterday to prepare me more for the hearing.

One…two…three…four…five…six…seven… Seven steps to my bedroom door. I expected Dad to be on the other side waiting, but he wasn’t. He and the others were probably all downstairs waiting, anxious to get this over with and have Cameron come home.

One…two…three…four…five… Five steps to Cameron’s room. Opening the door slowly, I peeked in. Today. He had to come home today. His blankey still lay on the floor where I’d dropped it. I thought about bringing it with me, but it’d been on the floor. I needed to wash it first. Hopefully he could wait a few more hours before having it again. Ten steps to the stairs. Thirteen steps to go down. Two steps from the landing into the living room.

Eighteen eyes looking at me. Mom walked over and straightened my tie. It wasn’t crooked, but she had been extra maternal all weekend, so I let her, even though all I wanted was to be left alone. Everyone had converged on my house. They all kept asking me how I was doing, if I needed anything, what the arrangements were for Kia. A knot grew. It got tighter and tighter each day and I felt like I had no outlet. Counting wasn’t helping, nor was cleaning, or even running. I was trapped. Everything was chaotic and out of my control. I hated this feeling.

“Ready?” GiGi asked. I nodded. They all filed out of the house.

I should have been thankful that they were all here, but I wasn’t. They were all here because I was incapable of taking care of my family. Ten steps to the front door. Check the lock to make sure the house is secure. Down three stairs. Eight steps to the car.

Ms. Bryant was waiting for us when we arrived. She seemed pleased at the show of support I had for the hearing, she again commented on her confidence that Cameron would be released back into my custody. The need to vomit got worse the closer we got to the courtroom. I tried to focus on my steps but Ms. Bryant was still talking to me, trying to make sure I knew to not react since she thought Ms. Logan would attempt to get me to based on what I’d told her. It felt as if I was in a tunnel, I couldn’t focus on what she was saying. I concentrated on not throwing up on the marble floors.

Ms. Logan was already in the courtroom when we entered. She was talking to a couple that sat behind her; they all turned to look at me. I stopped. Were those the people that had my son this weekend? I wanted to go over there, but Ms. Bryant came up and led me over to the other table. Ms. Logan’s eyes took on a brief look of shock as my family all took seats, but then her normal pinched features returned as she focused on the empty seat beside me. The judge walked in, he too looked momentarily surprised by the amount of people in the room.

One, two, three, four.  One, two, three, four. One, two, three, four. I counted over and over as I tapped my fingers quietly on the table. As soon as the judge sat down, Ms. Logan stood up.

“Your honor, before we take up too much of the court’s time, I would like to move that the minor child remain in the county’s custody until a full investigation can be completed. Mr. Solo’s wife is absent from these proceedings…”

I started to jump up, but Ms. Bryant put her hand on my arm as if she were a mind reader. The judge put his hand up at the same time to stop that hateful woman from speaking.

“Ms…” he paused to look over the file in front of him. “Bryant, where is Mrs. Solo?”

She looked over at me, patted my arm before standing. “Your honor, it’s with great sadness I have to tell the court that Mrs. Solo passed away over the weekend.”

My hands balled into fists, my knee bounced uncontrollably. I felt a hand on my shoulder, but I didn’t look back to see from who. I kept my eyes focused on the wooden table, counting the lines in the grain.

“Oh my. Condolences to you sir and your family. Ms. Bryant you could have asked for this to be rescheduled given the circumstances.”

“I understand sir, but my client, and his family are eager to get Cameron home so they can grieve as a complete family.”

“That’s who has filled my courtroom?”

“Yes Your Honor. My client comes from a very close knit and supportive family that extends way beyond what’s represented here today.”

Ms. Bryant took a seat while the judge looked over the file. “Ms. Logan, why was the minor child not placed with family? He clearly has more an enough options from what I can tell.”

Ms. Logan cleared her throat before speaking. “Well, sir, given the seriousness of the situation, I felt it was best to get the minor child…”

“Cameron!” I said, interrupting her.

“Excuse me?” she inquired.

I turned to look at her. “You keep calling MY son ‘the minor child’, he has a name. Cameron.”

The judge gave orders to my attorney to control her client, but she was already feverishly whispering to me to stay quiet until spoken to. I was only giving her more ammunition.

Ms. Logan narrowed her eyes at me before a ghost smile appeared on her thinned lips. “As I was saying, given that the minor child’s mother abandoned him in the park, tried to kidnap another child and I had a worry over Mr. Solo’s temper,” she paused to look over at me when she said that. My attorney’s hand tightened on my arm. “My first priority was to make sure the child was safe.”

“Your Honor, if I may,” Ms. Bryant said standing as she spoke. “I realize I’m from a different jurisdiction, but it is my understanding that Ms. Logan broke procedure by not asking my client or his late wife, or even the nurse that was with them about any possible family member that could have been able to take Cameron.”

“Did you ask either parent if there was family that could take the child as per procedure?”

“No sir.”

“Did you try and find out on your own if there was family?”

“No sir. I knew there was an available and caring foster home and since it was just for the weekend and not a long term arrangement I just had him sent there.”

“That seems to always be the case when it involves children under the age of one with you Ms. Logan,” Ms. Bryant stated.

“I beg your pardon.”

I watched as my attorney gathered sheets from a file folder. It took her four steps to reach the judge’s bench. She smiled at me as she walked back to our table.

“As you can see, Your Honor, of the cases Ms. Logan handled last year, ten of them involved children under the age of one. Six of those are in the process of having their rights terminated so that the loving foster homes Ms. Logan placed them in can adopt them. Most of those six are lower incomed families that…”

“I am not on trial here!” Ms. Logan interrupted. “I’ve been a social worker for more than twenty years. My first priority now and always has been the safety of the children.”

Three strikes of his gavel silenced her. They both take their seats. Ms. Bryant straightened the papers in front of her, hitting them four times on the table to get them in line. I focused on the papers being flipped as the judge read through whatever my attorney gave him.

“Mr. Solo,” the judge stated breaking the tense silence in the room. “Your wife had a medical condition?”

My attorney tapped my arm, indicating I should speak. “Yes. She has…had Harts Syndrome.”

“Yes, I see. Her doctors sent letters explaining her condition.”

I looked over at my attorney. When did she have time to contact Kia’s doctors? Maybe she really was as good as Pops was trying to tell me.

The judge read more before speaking again. “I’ve sat on this bench for nearly thirty years and never in all that time have I ever seen a defendant come to my court with this much family support. Mr. Solo I am dismissing your case and ordering an immediate return of your son. There is nothing I’m reading in this file to indicate the child would be at further risk.”

“Your Honor,” Ms. Logan called out, standing again. A loud bang of his gavel made her take her seat instantly.

“Ms. Logan, while you are not on trial here, the information provided by Ms. Bryant does warrant further investigation. As you stated, you’ve been doing this job long enough to know what procedure is, yet you had no problem breaking it. I will be passing this information along to your supervisor and the state review board. All actions on your current cases will stop until they can be reviewed for any possible misconduct on your part. Mr. Solo, again I offer my condolences on the loss of your wife.” With a final bang of his gavel, it was over.

It was over. I was getting my son back. I heard my family behind me all happily chatting. They all came up to hug me, happy that at least this part was behind us now. They thanked Ms. Bryant. I did as well, and I made a mental note to thank Wolfie and Abby as well.

“Matt.” I turned to see Shannon.

“What are you doing here?”

“I wanted to be here in support of you and…I heard about…about Kia. I’m so sorry.”

“Thank you for coming today. I appreciate your help, my parents told me what you did for me when I lost it at the hospital.”

“Thank you isn’t needed. I just wish it would have never gotten to this point.” She gave me a quick hug before saying her goodbyes. 

Everyone else walked out of the courtroom. My legs felt wobbly, so I took a seat, resting my head on the table.”

Heels clicked on the marble floor. Six steps, I looked up expecting to see someone other than that hateful old hag that tried to take my son.

“I guess congratulations are in order Mr. Solo.”

“You are a vile woman Ms. Logan and I am thankful to never have to see you again.”

“You may have gotten yourself a high priced lawyer to pull some fancy tricks, but I still see you as unfit. You won sympathy because of your wife, that judge is too soft in my opinion.”

“Because of my wife…you think I’d used the death of my wife as…as a legal tatic?”

The doors opened and Pops walked in. I looked at him, then back at Ms. Logan. I smiled at the horrid woman before hitting her with the same trick I’d pulled on Claudia. “Goodbye Ms. Logan.”

“It’s an improvement if you ask me,” Pops whispered as we walked out of the courtroom together.

Ms. Logan walked out of the courtroom, all eyes were on her, there were a few laughs from people as she walked by. Others stared in shock. Both Mom and Dad frowned at me, but I just shrugged. Mom was holding Cameron, she looked happy for the first time in days. Tomorrow we’d drive to Sunset Valley to lay Kia to rest next to her mom and aunt. I’d thought about having her buried in Barnacle Bay next to Mom’s grandmothers, but in the end with how she always felt alone even with my family, I thought she’d be happier buried with hers. We weren’t doing anything fancy, it would be just a small graveside ceremony.

“You must want to hold him,” Mom said walking over to me.

I looked at Cameron, sleeping peacefully in my mother’s arms. I hoped he wasn’t too scarred from his ordeal.

“No, you keep him.”

Thanks again to Daijah for the use of the Fremont Police Station and Mercy General Hospital. Those lots are getting lots of use in my game. :)  Again both lots received minor edits to fit my needs. Since I already linked the lot once, just check my CREDITS tab to find them if you need.

Honorable mentions: Wolfie and Abby Landgrabb.

The beds in Matt's house were working overtime, or at least all those couples tried to make them work overtime. Too many couples, not enough beds. I have to say Davis and Cora were the worst. LOL every interaction that popped up with them was woo-hoo, but Jonas and Grace were a close second. 

Now for the lovely Ms. Logan after her make over. :)


  1. Life isn't getting any easier for Matt is it. With everything he has been going through having the identify the body was the last thing that he needed. Kia definitely feel through the cracks in the system as that hospital should have been watching her more closely. It's no wonder that the hospital administrator was a bit worried as he should be.

    One thing that was good for Matt is that the whole family gathered around him for support. They got him the best lawyer and even just their presence in the courtroom to show support impressed the judge. Rayne did her job well and pointed out Ms Logan's history. It didn't make sense that she did not inquire if there was family who could care for Cameron while the investigation was being conducted. She didn't even know what had happened to Kia yet she was throwing accusations on her whereabouts during the trial. In the end the judge read her the riot act, she is now under review with the state and she did get a lovely makeover.

    Thankfully Cameron is home and that is one less worry for the family. Now Matt has the tough job of having to go through the funeral and raise his son as a single parent.

    1. No it isn't. :( Jonas tried to go in Matt's place, but Matt felt it was his duty as her husband to be the one to go. It's all falling apart at once and his parents aren't sure how much more he can handle. :( Mr. Owen, yeah he is in CYA mode for sure trying to see where Matt's head is in hopes he's not trying to sue the hospital. Kia should have been watched, and she should have not been able to be successful in ending her life. Lucky for them, Matt is not in that mindframe but Jonas sounded pretty damn angry so he might take care of it for Matt.

      Yes, once they got word of what was happening, the whole family came to support him. They are a close family and in times of need they will band together. The judge was impressed to see he had so much support. Rayne is good at her job and managed to dig up dirt on Ms. Logan in a short time period and got Cameron home as promised. She should have asked Matt or hell even Shannon that was there if they had family that could take Cam for the weekend. That's supposed to be the first option, but she skipped it having already judged Matt and Kia before she even walked into that office. She is a cold and uncaring woman, and was quick to point out Kia's absence as a negative against them. The judge did lay into her as he should and now all her cases are being reviewed. :) LOL Those makeovers are funny.

      Cameron is home now. They have to lay Kia to rest then he has to figure out how to raise their son alone. :( He's going to need family for a little while longer though.

      thanks for reading

  2. Well dang. Here I was hoping Kia would be alive and the first pic is her on the autopsy table >_<
    Matt is very lucky to have so much support from his wonderful family. That high priced layer knew her stuff. I am so happy Cameron was returned but I am now curious about Ms Logan's backstory. and who was that girl that found Cameron and came upon Matt after he collapsed from his run?
    that inner beauty trick should have turned her into a LOT worse!

    1. :( no sorry, Kia died. Matt didn't want to believe it was real either.

      He does have a wonderful family and he doesn't have to go through this trying time alone. Cameron is back where he belongs. It's a good thing he's so young, he hopefully won't remember any of this. Ms. Logan...well my friend DJ thinks she's working under the table. Taking money from families who want to 'fast track' adopting a baby so Ms. Logan is helping them and getting paid under the table. That's why she was most aggressive with families that had babies under 1.

      I was wondering if anyone would pick up on the mystery person or not. It was the same woman that turned in Cameron and later that day stumbled upon Matt. Will we found out who she is??? Time will tell.

      It should be a way to make it permanent for Ms. Logan. She deserves it!

      thanks for reading

  3. Yes it did. Ms. Logan had no real grounds to keep Cameron. He was/is well cared for, Matt has tons of family and Kia was ill. He'd hired her help so it's not like he wasn't doing everything in his power for both Kia and Cameron, something the judge was able to see and take into consideration.

    thanks for reading

  4. Hey it's Shafer here on the kindle so bare with me. May Kia rest in peace. I hope Matt or an older Cameron sue the hell out of that hospital.As they failed her. How many more have they failed? I wish Kia left behind a note or something explaining her actions. Haha on what happened to miss Logan. I hope she sees a jail cell one day. I am glad Matthew got his son back and he has family support. But I knew they would. Can't wait to see what happens next.

    1. Yeah, hopefully Kia has found some peace now. Matt's head isn't even on that right now. He's still trying to process everything, but maybe eventually he will look for answers on how this happened. :( They did fail her and they probably have failed others. That hospital administrator guy was looking awful shady.

      Well a note left by Kia could be good or bad. We don't know for sure if she did or didn't. Honestly though, Kia found an opportunity and took it. :( Ms. Logan...she does need to be in jail because it doesn't sound like she has been on the up and up with her cases. At least for now people get to see her has the ugly hag she is. LOL

      After the new year the next chapters will come. Matt's gen has gone on for a while now so I'm trying to wrap it up and get to Cameron.

      thanks for reading

  5. This whole storyline worried me but I'm glad there was a happy ending.
    I'm so glad that Cameron is back with his loving family. I do wish Kia was there though. may she rest in peace.

    That Miss Logan needs a jail cell asap. I agree with Jonas though. She looks much better that way.

    I hope things get better for Matthew. He's had a hard time of life. :(

    1. Cameron was returned home, but he'll never get to know his mother. :( I'm sure the family will make sure he's surrounded by love so that her loss doesn't cut him too deep.

      LOL Ms. Logan does sound like she was up to some criminal type behavior. It may land her in jail, or at the very least fired.

      I know, I've not been easy on Matt. :( Hopefully good things will be on the horizon for him.

      thanks for reading.

  6. Goodness me, Matt really has been through a lot. Ms Logan is a terrible person and I'm happy that the judge will be looking into it! I'm so happy that Cameron is coming home. After everything that's happened they all deserve some good news, most of all Matt.


    1. Yeah, life has not been kind to Matt over the last few days. Well months really. :( Ms. Logan was a terrible person. She took every chance she could to abuse her position. Now it's been brought to light, let's hope she gets what she deserves.

      Cameron is coming home. There was no reason he shouldn't and the judge recognized that. One less worry off Matt's plate now.

      thanks for reading :)

  7. Yay, I'm glad the case went well, as far as it getting dismissed, that still went well, LOL. Interesting that Ms. Logan kept taking one year olds and giving them to low income families... almost like she was using the system to kidnap children as a way to 'help' poor families? Yikes. I'm happy the judge did his job correctly and didn't buy into Ms. Logan's bullshit.

    In the sense that Kia was the more unfit parent, her not being here really didn't warrant Matt not being able to have Cameron back. It just made sense, not that Matt 'used' Kia's death to get Cameron back. *rolls eyes at Ms. Logan* Of course, though, she would be the one to say such a ridiculous thing. You know, it shocks and appalls me that some social workers, who claim to work for the well being of others can be such crass and uncaring people. I suppose it's a similar idea that some religious authorities are also assholes when they're supposed to be teaching love and acceptance. Oh how complicated. LOL.

    1. Yes the case was dismissed. Matt and Kia weren't unfit parents and they weren't really a harm to Cameron. Even if Kia hadn't died, I didn't see them losing custody of Cameron. No, I think you misunderstood. Ms. Logan was taking babies from lower income families. She sorta picked on them in a way since they wouldn't have the means to hire a lawyer, that sort of thing. The foster homes those children ended up in would have been with wealthier families. She was NOT a good woman and was NOT helping anyone but herself. Think kickbacks in a way.

      Kia was unfit to a small extent since her illness and paranoia made her do unsafe things. Matt would never have used Kia's death like Ms. Logan implied. Even if she were still alive, he would have been fighting to get Cameron back with her by his side. She was his life and he wasn't going to throw her under the bus (so to speak) in order to get Cameron back. It may have been a tougher fight and they may have had some conditions and things to meet, but Cameron would have come home. Rayne is very good at her job. :)

      Some social workers I guess are just hardened over time. They don't see the people behind the situation, they only look at the situation and make judgements based off that. The sadly become a number to them. :( Life is complicated and people of all sorts can become desensitized and hypocrites to the things they are supposed to uphold/protect/teach.

      thanks for reading

  8. The legal crap is gone, but the emotional mess will take eons longer.

    1. We'll see more of the emotional mess in the next few) update. :(

      thanks for reading

  9. This was a very beautiful chapter, I almost cried. At least justice worked for Matt. Now it's time for him to burry his wife and start a new life.
    I do hope he'll find someone he loves, someone to make him happy again.
    Beautiful family you have here! :)

    1. aww sorry you almost cried. There was a lot to cover in this chapter. Yes, Matt was able to get his son back so that was a bright spot. Now he has to take care of the funeral arrangements for Kia and try to move on and raise their son.

      Hopefully he will find love again and be happy, but that seems far off for him at this moment. Thanks, I love the family. They've really grown on me.

      thanks for reading

  10. Thank goodness that Cameron is home. I just hope Matt can recover from everything he has been through!

    1. He had a very good lawyer. There was no reason for her to take Cameron because Matt had steps in place to help ensure his safety. Rayne was quick to point that out on top of the judge seeing all the family support Matt had. Matt's been through a lot and he doesn't handle stress well as it is so this has really been tough.

      thanks for reading
