Thursday, October 13, 2016

Gen. 5: Matthew Solo-Ch. 25

Again I'm a day late with this, but maybe it'll just become a thing. LOL
As Life Goes is 3 as of yesterday. I can't believe it's been that long. 
I never expected this story to grow like it has. 
I've enjoyed writing it the last 3 years and 
look forward to continuing it for more years to come. 
Thanks for all the support over the last 3 years!


Every morning I woke up, I feared the day before had been a dream, but as I checked my surroundings I was indeed still in a real room, with a real bed, in a real house. Without a doubt the nicest house I’d ever stayed in.

Klutz made a low wailing noise as he stretched, getting up from his spot at the foot of the bed. The first few days I’d find him curled up outside his master’s bedroom door. I don’t know why he started following me to bed, but he had. I spent a great deal of time talking to him since he was my only companion. He didn’t seem to mind, although I’m not really sure how I’d tell one way or another.

“Come on boy, I know you got business to do.”

Soon as I opened the door he trotted out to do his morning ritual. First to Matthew’s door, he’d scratch and whine. I’d never felt so bad for an animal as I did watching him wait for a response that never came. Next he’d walk over to Cameron’s empty room. He’s stick his nose through the bars of the crib trying to find the missing baby. The poor fella had lost all his family it seemed like. Once he realized Cameron wasn’t there, his ears went back and he slowly made his way downstairs.

After letting him out, I started the task of breakfast. Before they left, Mr. and Mrs. Solo told me they’d set up a charge account at Nature’s Way for me. They assured me it was fine to go in to get what I needed at any time and just give the cashier my name. I didn’t know stores did that sort of thing, and part of me was really nervous about having to go test it out. I was trying to make the food we had here stretch for as long as possible for that reason. It wasn’t that hard to do since most days I was the only one eating. The thought of wasting food by throwing it out when Matthew didn’t eat bothered me. I internally cringed each time I saw Mr. or Mrs. Solo do it while they were here getting me set up. Once they left I started making a single size portion of meals. I’d take the food up, let it sit for an hour or so and if he didn’t eat, I’d just eat that. It was less wasteful to me that way and I didn’t feel like I was taking advantage of their generosity. I’d never owned so many nice clothes and things. I tried to tell ’em I didn’t need all of it, but Mrs. Solo wouldn’t have it any other way. They’d even insisted on paying me even though I told them it wasn’t necessary.

I liked Mr. and Mrs. Solo. They were really nice. Matthew was lucky to have parents like them. They were the kind of parents I’d wished I’d had growing up. I sighed thinking about the missing person’s report that came up on the background check Mr. Solo required I had done. It never dawned on me that I’d be reported missing, but Mom filed a report. She wasn’t always bad, when Dad wasn’t around she tried to be the mother I needed; loving and affectionate, we’d even laugh and have fun almost as if she was relieved he wasn’t there too. Unfortunately she was in the mindset that the man was head of household and his word was law. That same mindset that was drilled into me.

Klutz came trotting back in, bits of grass stuck to his fur from his roll around in the yard. He instantly started sniffing the air. I couldn’t blame him, the delicious smell of the bacon was making my own stomach growl.

“This bacon ain’t for you.”

He let out a small whimper, nudging the back of my leg with his head. I looked back at him, shaking my head.

“I think you tryin’ ta get me in trouble feeding you this stuff.” I picked up one of the strips, feeding it to him. “But how can I say no to those big brown eyes?”

Satisfied with his treat, he happily walked over to his food bowl to have his breakfast. I finished up my task, and with Klutz on my heels, headed up the stairs.

I knocked softly, “Um…your breakfast is out here.” Talking to the door still was weird to me. I’d been in his man’s house for nearly two weeks and I’d never seen or heck even heard him really.  The unknown of who was behind was more than a little unsettling.

Grabbing Klutz by the collar, I pulled him away from the tray before he was tempted to gobble up the rest of the bacon. To keep from going stir crazy, I’d taken to walking him daily. It was nice to be outside for a little while, and he seemed to like the exercise.

I loved this neighborhood. It was like something you’d see on a postcard or magazine. People would smile and wave when we’d walk by, almost making me feel like I belonged here. I didn’t know how long I’d have this job, but hopefully I’d save up enough to rent a small apartment and maybe even land a real job. I didn’t really have the place to ask, but if Mr. Solo could set up a spending account at that grocery store, maybe he could talk to the manager about hiring me as a cashier or something if I did a good job here.

Back at the house, I was pleased to see the tray missing when I got to the top of the stairs. Every time he ate, it was like a little victory. He got the food he needed, and I wouldn’t be fired for failing at the one thing I was in charge of.

I’d just finished my small breakfast of toast and eggs when Klutz ran to the front door, barking excitedly. Car doors slammed shut, taking a peek out the study window, I saw Mrs. Solo with another woman. Nervously I ran back to the kitchen. I’d not cleaned up yet.


I didn’t want Mrs. Solo thinking I was a slob. She made me less nervous than Mr. Solo, but still after what he’d told me, the last thing I wanted to do was disappoint her. Quickly heading back to the kitchen, I yanked open the dishwasher to at least load the dishes from this morning.

 “Double dagnabbit!”  It was full of clean dishes from last night.

The key turned in the lock. Klutz turned excited circles in the foyer. Wasn’t much I could do now.

“Klutz down!” Mrs. Solo scolded when he jumped up. He walked close behind her, trying to sniff Cameron.

The woman she was with carried a bag of groceries. She and Mrs. Solo had a striking resemblance, so if I had to guess I’d think they were related, only she wasn’t a fairy.

“Lydia, how are you today?”

“I…I’m well thank ya. I just finished breakfast which is why the kitchen ain’t quite clean right now, but I was ‘bout ta when you pulled up.”

She smiled, looking past me at the dishes. “No worries about that. Mom this is Lydia.”

I hoped my jaw wasn’t on the floor. Mom? The woman in front of me could have easily passed for Mrs. Solo’s sister, I would have never guessed mom. I hoped my face didn’t show the shock I felt, but from the look the other woman gave me, I feared it had.

“Nice to meet you Lydia, I’ve heard so much about you.”

“Nice to meet you too ma’am.”

“Ma’am? So formal. Just call me Cora dear.”

Klutz kept trying to sniff at Cameron, not leaving Mrs. Solo’s side.

 “I think someone’s missed him,” Cora stated, taking in the scene in front of her.

“Oh yes, he looks for him every mornin’. I feel bad for the poor fella, he looks so sad sometimes.” Soon as the words were out of my mouth, I felt like I’d spoke out of turn, but neither woman said anything.

“Lydia will you please take Cameron up and change him? We have more stuff to get out of the car.”

Mrs. Solo handed Cameron to me before I could answer. I dutifully did as asked, fighting the urge to turn around to check if they were watching me. It certainly felt like they were. Klutz ran up the steps ahead of me, eagerly turning circles at the top of the landing. 

He jumped up to get close to Cameron when I put him on the changing table. Cameron wiggled and cooed happily under the attack of kisses he received.
When I got back downstairs, the kitchen was clean and the groceries had been put away. “He’s all changed.” Mrs. Solo waived me off when I tried to hand Cameron back.

“Sit, let’s talk.”

Those were never good words. Good things never lasted for me. However the talk didn’t go as I’d feared. They both asked me questions about how things were going, if I noticed any changes in Matthew’s appetite.

“Speaking of food, why haven’t you gone shopping? The account hasn’t been used.”

I readjusted Cameron in my arms, his little fingers wrapped around mine bringing a smile to my face.

“We weren’t low, or I didn’t think we were that low. I…I’ve been tryin' ta stretch out the meals so they don’t go to waste.”

“Stretch out how?” Ms. Cora asked.

“Um…I’ve been makin' one meal at a time, so if Matthew don’t eat then I…I just eat what I’d fixed for him instead of making two meals and possibly throwing away one.”

Both women looked at each other before Mrs. Solo spoke. “You don’t have to ration out the meals. You need to eat as much as he does.”

I bit down on my lip, feeling my face get warm. My eyes shifted between the pair of them. I’d thought Mr. Solo made me nervous, but I was finding that Mrs. Solo’s mom really unnerved me without even trying. Or maybe she was.

“I do, I just wait until he’s eaten, or not eaten, first,” I defended half-heartedly. “I don’t wanna waste your money.”

“I appreciate your idea, but I don’t want you to worry about that.”

I nodded my understanding.

“I can see why Grace likes you. You’re a little like she is, quiet, reserved. You seem to be a sweet young lady.”

My face got warm again as I thanked her for the compliment. Was everyone in this family nice? It was kinda unnerving in a way. I mean back home sure folks were friendly, but it was a small town and most everybody knew everybody else.

“I’ll get the sheets changed in the guest room. I’m guessin’ you’re staying right?”

Mrs. Solo shook her head. “No, this is just a day trip. I wanted to come check to see how you were doing, and my mother wanted to meet you. Everyone thinks I’m a little crazy.” She looked over at her mom. “Even if they won’t come right out and admit it.”

Ms. Cora rolled her eyes as she shook her head. “Sweetie we’ve been over this. The way you worry about Matt is the same way I worry about you and your siblings.”

The two shared some private, silent exchange that made it easy to spot that mother/daughter dynamic. I looked down at the sleeping bundle in my arms. He was just a cute baby and I was really happy to know he was alright and back with his family. He had a good family.

“Mrs. Solo…”


“Right…Ms. Grace I don’t wanna cause trouble. It’s been real nice what you’ve done for me, but I don’t wanna be a reason for some sort of family tension. If…if they think it’s best I go then…”

It was her mom that cut me off. “You’re not causing any tension, Lydia. I promise. I wanted to meet the person that found Cameron and thank her in person. Not everyone would have done what you did.”

“Wasn’t nothin’ special. My momma always taught me to do the right thing. That’s all I did.”

“It was very special to us.”

I smiled, not knowing how to respond. “I’mma go put him in his crib.”

At the top of the stairs I spotted the tray sitting outside Matthew’s door. I laid Cameron down carefully, brushing a few of the dark curls from his face. Klutz stuck his nose through the crib before backing up, turning a few circles then finally resting on the floor. I knew he’d stay there for the duration of Cameron’s nap. 

“She wants to leave him with you.”

I jumped at the sound of her voice behind me.

“I can see why, you are very good with him. Jonas was less on board with that idea than he was with having you take care of Matt. Guess you can say I’m the tie-breaker.”

“I…I don’t understand.”

She walked over to the crib.  “I delivered him. Matt and Kia were on their way home after the holiday and her water broke. How many great-grandmothers can say they delivered their great-grandchild?”

“None I ‘spose. That’s amazin'.”

“Yep, this little guy is very special to me.” She pulled me from the room, closing the door quietly behind her. “Grace thinks Matt needs to have Cameron in the house to help him. She feels that when he finally comes out of this that the first thing he’s going to want will be his son, so he should be here, not two hours away.”

“Mr. Solo dunit trust me.”

“It’s not that Jonas doesn’t trust you, he’s worried and it comes out in its own way. Mothers mother, they nurture, they take care of things when their child is in need, their goal is to try and take the hurt away. In that same respect fathers protect, a normally trusting man will build up more of a wall to keep those he loves from being hurt. It happened with Grace’s father, and that’s what’s going on with Jonas now.”

“I have a lot of respect and appreciation for both of them.”

“I can tell. Vampires are like a walking lie detector. Aside from the mind reading ability, we can pick up on changes in heart rate, breathing, all those little things that most beings miss when they are being lied to.”

“Mind readin’?”

She smiled, but I was less than comforted by the gesture. She was definitely more unnerving than Mr. Solo.

“Yes, but it’s not something I do…often. I feel it’s an invasion of privacy so unless I think a situation really calls for it, I prefer to let people tell me what their thinking if they want to. I didn’t do it with you.”

“Oh…okay. I mean it’s fine if you did. I don’t got nothin’ to hide.”

She smiled again. “I got that feeling, which is why you’ll probably get my swing vote.”


  1. First let me Congratulate you on your third anniversary with ALG. I love the story and the characters are wonderful. I love them as much as I love my own sims. I look forward to following the story for many years to come.

    Lydia seems to be afraid of taking advantage of the Solo family which is why she is being so cautious with spending money on food. It is almost as if she doesn't feel as if she matters at all. Considering the way she was raised by her family and how her mother taught her to be subservient it is no wonder that she feels that way. She even feels more comfortable with Grace than with Jonas which says a lot about the way she was raised. Ok she probably did pick up that Jonas had some reservations about her but he only treated her with kindness so there really isn't any reason for her to feel that way.

    When Cora first walked in I thought it was Erin. Grace's wings were covering her a bit and it wasn't until Grace said Mom that I realized who it was. It seems that Cora picked up on the same things that Grace did about Lydia so Lydia has won her trust to. She was honest about her vampire abilities but I think Cora knew everything she needed to know when they talked in the living room. Cam fell right to sleep in Lydia's arms as he felt comfortable with her too. Lydia also smiled at Cam when he grabbed her finger. That probably said a lot to Cora right there in addition to knowing she wasn't lying about anything. It looks as if Lydia found herself a job.

    1. Thank you. I can't believe it's been 3 years already. I love them too and miss them. They have been sorely neglected. :(

      Lydia is very afraid of taking advantage of them. Not that she would, but since this whole situation is so crazy she's not 100% comfortable with everything. She's very grateful for the job and having a place to stay so she's trying to be as minimal as possible so she doesn't mess it up. :( Yes she was raised in that 'man is head of household' environment. She does feel more comfortable around Grace. Who would have thought Jonas would seem opposing and scary LOL. Really she's waiting on him to tell her to go since to her, his word carries more weight than Grace's.

      Erin is the child that looks most like Cora so it's easy to make that mistake. Plus the no aging thing on vampires really throws you for a loop. Cora did pick up on Lydia being a sweet girl. Shy and quiet like Grace. Cam does like her and she has an instant connection with him. Lydia's job might get a whole lot more interesting having to care for Cam and Matt. Matt will be the harder of the two. LOL

      thanks for reading and sorry for the delay in response.

  2. Happy Birthday to your story! Three years is a great milestone.

    Poor Lydia, she doesn't know how to take a compliment. Hopefully she will learn that it's okay when people want to help her, and that it's okay to be thankful for their help. I will never understand the "man's word is law" mentality, I feel sorry for Lydia's mom and her now, that she thinks that way. I am glad that Matt ate something today, I wonder if he'll ever come out... hopefully before his aura turns permanently grey, if it hasn't already.

    Cameron is so cute. ^_^ It was nice to see Cora again too, LOL.

    1. Aww thank you so much! I can't believe it's been 3 years. Time does fly when you're having fun. And on an unplanned hiatus from time to time. LOL

      Nope, Lydia isn't used to getting many compliments so the Solo/Gruber clan is making her a little uneasy with all the niceness. She is very thankful for what they have done for her, but she's not able to let herself relax about it. She's waiting on that other shoe to drop so to speak.

      Yes Lydia's mother is very 50's old school where man is head of household. She raised Lydia to be the same way and she is to an extent, but not as brainwashed as her mother. Lydia is glad he ate too, she doesn't want to fail at the one job she has. Hopefully he'll find his way back before he completely loses himself.

      I'm so ready for Cameron to no longer be a pod!!! The pose options are so limited for them. I'm trying to let the others do cameos. Maybe I can work in Davis but I don't know if poor Lydia is ready for him. LOL

      thanks for reading and sorry for the delay in response.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Awesome chapter! Glad to see Lydia settling a bit, even if she's still a bit tense.

    And happy anniversary! 3 years! That's an impressive count! ^_^

    1. Thank you. Yes she's trying to settle in but remains on guard.

      I can't believe it's been 3 years. Still having fun with the family, just need to get the next updates out.

      thanks for reading

  5. I would like to nominate you and the Solos for the Unique Blogger Award! Congratulations! ^_^

  6. Just wondering what would happen if Matt's aura permanently turns grey...
    Anyway, good to see that Lydia also passes the vampire inquisition. I'm curious to see if she has what it takes to pull Matt out.

    1. He'd be in limbo, like Kia was. Only Jonas knows about the color right now and he's not sharing that with Grace. No need to add to her stress. A family of supernaturals, hard to get over on them. LOL

      We'll see if she can get Matt to come back or not.

      thanks for reading
