Sunday, September 28, 2014

Going Solo: Grace Gen 4.16

"Hope...this," Dad gushed.

"Yeah, I know, but it's great isn't it?"

Dad pulled her into a hug and Mom went over to join. They were all so happy to see her like that. Like them. She told them the story about how she came to that decision, that Caleb was willing to become human for her, but that it made more sense for her to become a vampire.

"It's just like you and Dad. He's the one and now I'll never have to leave his side."

Dad looked over at Caleb and I waited for him to get angry or pull one of his typical 'dad' moves, but he didn't. He hugged him instead.

"One of the scariest things I've worried about was having to lose my girls one day. It's nice to have that worry off the table, especially at a time like this." Dad stopped talking and all eyes went to me.

"I...I think I need some air," I mumbled.

"Grace..." Mom called out to me, but I turned and walked out the backdoor.

Mom and Dad still had the small garden I'd started. They didn't work on it as often so it was a bit over grown. I started yanking at the weeds. How could she do that? How could she not tell me? They were all so happy.

"Grace, honey."

"I'm gonna go Mom. I'll be back tomorrow."

I just wanted away. I never fit in anywhere, but I was okay with that I always had my family, but now I didn't even fit in there.

"Your sister just got here, you haven't even spoken to her."

"I'll be back tomorrow."

Hope came walking out of the house as I got in my truck. She looked at me. I cranked up my old heap and pulled away. They all tried to call me, but I didn't answer. I didn't even answer when Jonas called. I sent him a text and told him it wasn't a good time. I just didn't want to talk to anyone.

After the service I just wanted to go home, but I knew I couldn't. I was expected to be with the family. I needed to keep busy, doing my best to avoid talking to her.

"How long are you going to give me the silent treatment?" Hope asked quietly.

"I'm not."

"Yes you are. You've barely spoken to me. I thought you'd be happy for me." She sounded hurt. Why did she get to be hurt?

"You abandoned me but you want me to be happy for you?" I yelled at her. I never yelled but I was angry.

"I haven't abandoned you. What are you talking about?"

"You were my twin Hope. My closest friend but now....I'm alone. Once again the odd ball!"


"And you didn't even tell me! You just went didn't even tell me."

All the random chatter stopped. I knew all eyes were on us. I never got angry I was always the quiet one.

"I'm sorry. It all just...I should have told you. But I'm still your twin, that hasn't changed."

"EVERYTHING HAS CHANGED! YOU HAVE CHANGED! Now there's only me, poor pathetic Grace. The socially inept girl who...Look around Hope. One of these things is not like the other. Not too hard to guess what that is!"

"Grace, we've never looked at you and Hope as any different, you know that," Mom said after she and Dad walked over to us.

"Dad...Dad who has NEVER approved of any guy in her life has suddenly given his full on stamp of approval. So don't tell me it's not different."

"Grace, that's not...shit! That's not why. Caleb proved himself worthy simply from the look your sister got on her face when she talked about him or was near him. She reminded me of your mother so I knew she was in good hands. As her father, however, it was my right and duty to give him as hard a time as possible. Your sister being like us, doesn't make her any more special in our eyes. We love all you kids the same."

"It doesn't matter. Nothing you say changes the fact that there's me. I've lost my grandmothers. Everyone else in this family, from Grandpa Boyd to Uncle Nick are vampires. I need some air."

I could see mom and Hope both wanted to say something but they let me walk outside. I stood out on the porch feeling out of place in the house I still considered home. I heard the door open behind me and thought it would be Hope or one of my parents but it wasn't.

"Do you mind if I hang out here a bit?"

I didn't say anything and he came to stand beside me.

"My brother and I are close. Not twin close, I've heard that's a major bond to have, but still pretty close. Believe it or not, I've felt like you feel right now."

I still didn't say anything. Caleb and I had talked a little while in Monte Vista but mostly when others were around. and he wasn't a bad guy. In fact he seemed pretty nice, but having him outside, trying to embark on a one on one conversation didn't help my mood. I was upset. I buried my grandmother and lost my sister all in the same day.

"My brother, Dylan, he's the only family I had for a long time. When he met Sandi, I thought she was going to come between us, that she'd take him from me and I'd have no one left. The last thing I'd ever want to be responsible for is coming between two people that are as close as you and Hope are."

I turned to look at him. He was completely sincere in his statement. It wasn't his fault, he was simply a man in love with a woman and not wanting that love to end. Just like our parents. That fact didn't stop the anger I had or the total feeling of emptiness.

"You're not responsible. Sorry if I made you think you were. It's just hard to explain, but it's not you."

The sun was setting, it would be dark soon. I'd packed a bag and stuff Vor's food and things since I knew I'd most likely stay the night. "Can you help me?"


He followed me to the truck and I gave him Vor's stuff. I waited for him to walk back inside, then climbed in and pulled off. The sun was going down. My hands were shaking, I'd not been out after dark in years. I always remained in the safety of my house or my parent's house. I couldn't stay there and since I'd left Vor behind I didn't want to go home. There was only one other place I could go.


  1. I know where she's going!

    Poor Grace. What a rough time. It was sweet of Caleb to try and make her feel better. I hope she and her sister can get through this and stay close to each other.

    1. It's not hard to figure out there's only so many people she interacts with. :)

      She's just having too much happen at once and she's not handling it well. Caleb does know how she's feeling since he went through something similar with Sandi. Caleb's a great guy and doesn't want to be the cause for a rift between those two. He knows how close they are.

      They've gotten through worse, so I'm sure they will be fine.

      thanks for reading

  2. Wow I never saw Grace so upset, but I can feel her fear and, actually, she's right. She's now the only human in the family...
    I found really great that Hope turned to a vampire but, in the same time, unless Grace turns herself also, things will never be the same, their relationship will suffer. One will get old and die, the other will live. It's a shame!

    1. Grace never gets upset, she normally turns her pain inward. This time it was too much, very bad timing. She didn't mind so much when Cora turned, she still had Hope, now it's only her and it hurts.

      Things won't ever be the same. Hope's aging has stopped, Grace will continue to age and knows that she'll leave her family behind. They will no longer be twins and she really misses that connection they had.

      thanks for reading

  3. Wow what an update, a lot going on here. Where to begin. I know where she is going, ok I read the second update already but I did make a guess at the end of this one which was right. And she is out after dark and I really don't think it was only her anger or need to get away, she is gaining strength and recovering.

    Davis made a big mistake when he said the worry of losing his girls was off the table because Grace was still human and that had to cut like a knife. Davis didn't mean to say it that way, he was just relieved that he didn't have to worry about Hope anymore, but it just came out wrong.

    Grace was also looking for Davis to go back at Caleb, instead he hugged him and welcomed him into the family. It was like her last ally went against her. Hope's life changed and she saw Caleb as taking her place, which Caleb picked up on right away as he was in the same situation himself.

    One other thing I noticed I liked that you added the statement that Davis had to give Caleb a hard time as that was his job. Even if the father likes the guy, he has to let him know this is my daughter and if you do anything to hurt her, you are dealing with me.

    1. LOL look at you reading backwards. In that moment, her need to get away over rode her fear of the dark. Plus it helped she was heading towards another safe haven.

      Davis stepped in it big time with that statement! He wasn't thinking clearly, he was just relieved, especially considering they were getting ready to bury his mother. He was happy it was one less funeral he'd have to worry about. It totally came out wrong though. :(

      Him hugging Caleb was huge! Davis has fought the idea of men every step of the way and then this happens and suddenly he's changed. :( She really felt alone in that moment. Hope's life has changed. She's growing, evolving, moving on with life where as Grace is pretty stuck on pause. She always knew Hope dated and such, but it was never serious then Caleb enters the picture. Caleb did pick up on it, he could see that insecurity since he'd gone through the same feelings. His talk with her did help.

      LOL yes. Davis sees just how much Hope loves Caleb and how much Caleb loves Hope, but Davis will always be the number one protector in her life. He won't give up that job for anything. So he does see it has his right and duty to make that fact known.

      thanks for reading

  4. Poor Grace. I know where she's coming from. It's hard to be the different one. She's the only human in a family of vampires, and now, Hope has Caleb.

    I think Davis opened his mouth and inserted his foot when he said he didn't have to worry about losing his girls. I could just see Grace's heart squeezing with pain and anger at that. She feels like the oddball anyway, and now she feels even more alone.

    1. She does feel like the outcast right now. :( She always has in a way, but now it's worse.

      LOL he inserted both feet! Everyone knew it the moment he said it. They've never pressured Hope or Grace to change, but it's always been an option. They both declined for various reasons so Grace was shocked to see Hope changed now, and didn't tell her. :( It was just a bad day all around.

      thanks for reading

  5. Grace seems to feel that she's all alone, but, she isn't. She has her family and Vor and Jonas. I bet she is going to see Jonas.... Or she will go to the cemetery and talk to her grammas. :( I hope it's to see Jonas. He's different from her too, so if she is so upset about the fact that she is the only human, that will put a wedge between them as well :(

    1. She does feel that way. Her family loves her and have never looked at her or Hope differently because they were human, but with the loss of her grandmother and seeing Hope as a vamp she feels very alone. :(

      He is different from her, but it's not quite the same in her eyes. He is an outsider of sorts, so he's not meant to fit in, being the only human in a family of vamps especially considering why Hope changed, makes the news harder for Grace to take.

      thanks for reading

  6. Damn it I thought I was caught up!! :P
    Poor Grace :/ This must be such a hard time for her. I hope she'll feel better soon, and I'm glad she's going to Jonas. He'll be good for her, and she needs that comfort.

    1. hahaha...not quite, but almost.

      This is a tough time. First her grandmothers, now her sister had changed. She likes routine, she is not handling all this change right now. She never feels like she fits in and this just made it worse.

      she does need comfort and he's happy to provide it.

      thanks for reading

  7. Poor sweet Grace. that's a lot to handle all at once. I can see where she's coming from, but can also see the other side. At least she's found her voice! I think there's a new Grace in town, everyone had better watch out because it's no more quiet, background character from her, no sir! I liked the talk between her and Caleb, it went much better than the one with her and Hope. Speaking of Hope, that dress is perfect on her! Poor Davis, that's not an easy conversation!

    1. Grace was overloaded and let her emotions get away from her for once. Normally she keeps things to herself, but she couldn't this time.

      Caleb understood how she was feeling more than anyone. He was able to pick up on that and connect with her. He's a sweet guy and really would hate to be a reason the sisters to have issues.

      Glad you like the dress, I think I posted on the forum it was from that 5th avenue set only CCed to remove the necklace that came with it from the store.

      Davis really stuck his foot in his mouth and he knew that.

      thanks for reading

  8. OooOoo! *crosses fingers that she's going to Jonas' house* I know she knows where it is now! Eeee!
    Ohh, I totally get it now, why Grace was mad about Hope being a vampire. Poor girl. I hope that she gets over that initial anger though, or she will push Hope away, and then her fear of losing her sister will come true. Come on Grace! Be strong. XD D'aww Caleb was so nice to help her with her stuff and talk to her a little bit even if she didn't want to.

    1. LOL yep, she knows where Jonas lives so she could be going there. She doesn't have many friends.

      Yeah, she feels left out in a way now. There was so much going on at the same time that she just blew up. She felt betrayed by Hope for not telling her and by Davis for being so accepting of things. That was just a tense situation all around. :( Caleb is a great guy and he felt bad for being the source of the tension between the sisters. He would never want to do something to hurt Grace or Hope and them fighting would do that to both. :(

      thanks for reading
