Sunday, August 31, 2014

Going Solo: Grace Gen 4.6

"So glad I caught you before you left."

That made one of us. "Is there something wrong? Did she over pay me?"

That had to be it. I mean I didn't think I'd taken in that much. Mostly grapes and some lettuce, and a few lemons. I was expecting $100 at the most, not the $450 I got.

"What? No, I'm sure she paid you the correct price. I...I was wondering if you wanted to go for coffee."

Coffee? It was four in the afternoon, why on earth would I drink coffee now? Besides I didn't even like coffee so regardless his question would get the same answer.

"I don't drink coffee and I should be going."

I attempted to keep walking but he stopped me again by lightly grabbing my arm. I flinched and stumbled backwards, but luckily I didn't fall this time. Jonas immediately started apologizing and took a step back to give me some space.

"I...I just wanted to talk to you."

"About what?"

He shrugged and smiled at me again. I wish he'd stop smiling. "The weather."

I frowned at his answer. There was something wrong with him. Had to be. Who actually wanted to talk about the weather unless they were a meteorologist?

"I just thought since we've been texting daily that talking would be...okay."

"I...I have to go."

This time when I walked off he didn't try to stop me. As I got close to my truck I felt my phone buzz.

Drive carefully.

I looked back and saw him watching me. Still smiling.

Thank you. I will.
I drove home to pick up Vor before heading to Mom and Dad's for dinner. After dinner Dad and I settled down to play a few games while Mom took Erin for a fresh diaper.

My phone started ringing and I was shocked to see Jonas' number. "Hello."

"Hey, did you make it home okay."

"Yes, I did. I even managed to make it to my parents' house without incident."

I heard him laugh on the other end.

"That's good. Well I just wanted to call and say good night."

"Oh...don't you normally just text me."

"I do, but I wanted to see if you'd be okay with me calling you sometimes as well."


"Would that be okay with you?"

"Yeah...I guess."

"Great. Well good night Grace."

"Good night."

He disconnected the call and I saw Dad giving me a funny look. I went over to get Erin as he shut off the game.

"Who was that?" Dad asked.

"Um, Jonas."

"Jonas? As in a guy? Why is he calling?"

"To say good night."

"Is that something he normally does in person?"

"Davis leave her alone," Mom said joining the conversation.

"What? I was just wondering," he replied.

"She's old enough to have guys calling her."

It dawned on me that Dad had taken on that same tone he used to use with Hope. I felt my face heat up. Why did he have to pick tonight of all nights to change up his routine? Now my parents were looking at me expecting some answers.

"I think it's nice she has a 'friend'," Mom added, smiling at me.

"It's not like that. He just feels the need to text me. I don't know why he called tonight, he normally doesn't do that."

"Normally? What exactly does he do normally?" Dad asked.

"Davis, calm down."

"I am calm, I just want to know who this guy is that is harassing my daughter."

"I don't think he's harassing her, he's being friendly."

I chose not to answer and instead left those two arguing and went to put Erin down. When I got back Dad grilled me some more with Mom acting as the buffer. It took a little while, but he was finally convinced that Jonas was not stalking me, or harassing me. He was especially happy to hear that Vor did a good job keeping him at bay, even gave him an extra treat for being a good boy. Mom was finally able to drag him off to bed when he started talking about buying a house closer to me or having me move back home. Mom brought me out pillows and blankets since I stayed the night when I'd have dinner with them. I got comfy on the couch and fell a sleep with Vor curled up on the floor beside me.

**Bonus shots**
Grace having some fun time with her sister. 

While Grace was at dinner, it was apparently Erin's time to age up. An event her parents missed because they ran off to woo-hoo. At least this time it wasn't risky. She's a very pretty little girl, and I did unvamp her in CAS, she did get Kerri's eye color.


  1. Absolutely loved this update! Jonas is persistent, I have to give him that. Although Grace better watch it there is only so much that man will take before he gives up. At least she is accepting his phone calls and talking to him, baby steps :)

    Oh did I love the part with Davis and Cora, while Cora is trying to tell her to take a chance, Davis is acting like an over protective Dad and is pushing her further away. Oh I had to laugh when she got the first phone call from Jonas and of course Davis would have to be there for that. And the fact that he gave the dog a treat for keeping Jonas away, oh was that classic! Oh Davis you have nothing to fear from Jonas but of course you do not know it yet.

    Erin grew up pretty and I love her hair.

    Loved the weekend updates this week and looking forward to the next ones. :)

    1. Yeah he is, but not in an annoying stalker way. She hasn't shut him down other than talking to him face to face, so that gives him hope. He's a smart man and realized that he'd have another hoop to jump through if he wanted to get to that point, so enter the phone calls.

      LOL Davis and Cora. She's wanting to see her baby spread her wings and fly while Davis is perfectly content with her never speaking to a man ever! LOL Jonas picked the wrong night to call, Davis was all over that once he heard it was a guy. hahahaha Davis was very proud of Vor for doing his job. If he could, I'm sure he'd try and work out a deal with Vor to continue to keep Jonas away.

      Erin is very pretty just like her sisters. Davis is going to have another teenager to contend with. I'm sure he's hoping she's more like Grace and less like Hope when it comes to boys.

      glad you enjoyed them.

      thanks for reading

  2. Ohh I loved Davis's reaction. He will always be the protected dad. Yes, and now Erin also grew into a child. Not long before she reach teen age years, and Davis had another daughter to fuss over. Hope is luck to have moved so far from home :)

    Jonas is making progress, at least she talked to him over the phone. It will be very slow going by the look of things.

    1. LOL yeah he will. He's even more so where Grace is concerned so to hear she's talking to a guy, he was on high alert. Erin is a child with the teen years not far behind. Erin better hope Cora can keep Davis from being extra overbearing.

      He is making slow progress. Slow and steady wins the race. :)

      thanks for reading

  3. Good that Jonas is approaching Grace slowly. I wish I knew what he was thinking. :)

    1. LOL yeah he's learning that he must proceed with caution where she is concerned. She freaked out about talking in person, so he went to using the phone. :) He's a smart man.

      Not sure we'll get his POV, but I'll try and let in more of his thoughts about her through their interactions.

      thanks for reading.

  4. Good thing that Jonas is taking it slow. Easing his way into actual phone calls. Boy did he pick out the most awkward time to call! lol. Loved Davis's reaction. He is one protective father for sure. At least Cora is there to calm him down though. Just a phone call Davis, it's not serious... yet. Now he has a third daughter to worry about when those teen years come for Erin. She is a beautiful child by the way. Great update can't wait for the next.

    1. Yeah, well he was hoping to go from texting to face to face talking and realized that wouldn't work so he went to the phone. He's a smart man and is trying to earn her trust.

      LOL Davis was fun. Since I skipped over a lot of him over reacting during their teen years I thought showing just a bit of it would be fun. He'll forever be that over protective dad and no man will be good enough for his girls. LOL They are lucky Cora is there to balance him out.

      glad you enjoyed it

      thanks for reading

  5. It's good Jonas isn't giving up OR pushing it/her too far.
    LOL, it is kind of funny for her to be THAT oblivious to what's happening.

    Erin is pretty cute herself. Love her!

    1. Jonas is a patient man so he's trying to figure out how to best handle his pursuit of her.

      LOL well she was that way as a teen as well even before the rape. Not her top priority. In my head she's also a tad socially awkward.

      Erin is going to be very pretty as she gets older just like her big sisters.

      thanks for reading

  6. "Davis, leave her alone" had me giggling. I can just imagine it! The back and forth looks, the shushing, dad trying to be protective. Davis is asking the right questions though! Hopefully he doesn't make her second guess herself now.

    1. LOL Davis was on full alert the moment he heard some man was calling his baby girl. Cora has to keep him from becoming her personal body guard. Poor Grace was so clueless at first about what was even happening LOL

      He is asking the proper dad questions but since she doesn't see anything forming with Jonas it's not really hit her yet. He just texts her and now calls. She doesn't put must thought into it past that. She even denied them being friends when Cora brought it up. LOL

      thanks for reading

  7. hahaha Davis, being all daddy-protective :) It's cute, and I understand why..... it was nice that she actually spoke with Jonas, albeit a few words....

    1. LOL yeah Davis. He's so protective of his girls, Grace especially. He jumped into daddy mode quick when he heard she was talking a guy.

      She did speak a few words to him. He's making progress. First texting, now phone calls...

      thanks for reading

  8. Haha, "what exactly he does normally" "harassing my daughter"... A real father speaking!

    1. LOL yep Davis was in full on over protective daddy mode.

      thanks for reading

  9. I love how protective Davis is given his own history with women, but in Grace's case surely it's only telling her to be more careful around him? Jonas is so immensely patient, I hope his patience pays off one day. I'd love to see little fairy babies :3

    1. Given his own history is exactly why he's so protective. LOL He's extra cautious where Grace is concerned.

      Jonas is extra patient and she needs that. He can sense there's an issue with her so he is treading carefully. We'll get to the babies I promise.

      thanks for reading

  10. Poor Grace. She's a little oblivious right now... I mean, I suppose evidence from Jonas would say he's a nice guy, but I guess she would be suspicious because Patrick was nice to her up until he decided not to be nice to her. I don't think Davis helps the situation as far as Grace learning to trust men again considering he goes all "I don't trust men in your life anymore" either. One of them, either Grace or Davis, is going to have to let up and realize Grace can move on from her trauma and the effects of it. She's doing well by moving out on her own and going out in town but she's still very much stunted and crippled from her experience.

    1. Yeah she is. :( Socially awkward is putting it nicely with her. On top of that she is untrusting of new people especially men. She just assumes they have some hidden motive for wanting to talk to her. Davis...well Davis is very protective of Grace. All the girls really, but especially Grace. As a Dad he feels like he let her down by not being there to protect her from the attack. He couldn't have done anything to stop it since he didn't know where she was, but he still carries that guilt. Because of that he wants to make sure that she never gets hurt like that ever again. Is he enabling her a little, probably, but she doesn't mind.

      She knows her father is over the top with the protection, it's a given so she doesn't read more into it. Moving out on her own and trying to be independent was a big step for her. You are correct, she is very much stunted by that experience and it's colored her whole outlook on the world.

      thanks for reading
