Saturday, July 19, 2014

Going Solo: Davis Gen 3.17

Over the next few weeks things were tense. Cora wasn't speaking to me, and we used Mom's house as a drop off point when I wanted to see the girls. We had both hired attorneys and she delayed her starting time in Barnacle Bay. I tried to make the most of my time when the girls stayed over. Hope complained that she wanted a better room instead of being tucked away in my gym so I found myself giving up my bed once again.

We did all the fun things, like having pillow fights, playing rock, paper, scissors, and just generally goofing off. They liked being with me. I could already tell Hope would be a social butterfly. I'd gotten them phones since it would be easier to call them directly instead of going through Cora.
Hope informed me that Cora was not happy I didn't talk to her first, but how exactly was I supposed to do that when she wasn't talking to me? But I digress, back to Hope. It was a good thing money wasn't tight because I feared getting a large phone bill with the way that thing always seemed to be attached to her head.

Grace on the other hand rarely used hers. Instead she kept her head buried in books and avoiding direct conversations with strangers. She'd come alive and be talkative with her sister and with the rest of the family, but large groups was not her thing. When not with them, I threw myself into work. The pressure of negotiating contracts seemed to be less stressful than dealing with Cora and all that mess.

After work, if they weren't with me, I'd have a drink and chill in the hot tub. My attorney told me I needed to cut out my going out for a little while. It would help me seem more 'stable' and 'responsible', like cutting loose and partying was such a bad thing. I sucked it up and dealt with it. I was getting ready to relax when my doorbell rang. It was Cora, and to say I was shocked to see her was an understatement. We hadn't talked in nearly a month and a half.

"Can we talk?"

"Two months later, now you want to talk? And where are my girls?"

"Your mom has them...and yes I thought we needed to talk."

"So everything has to be on your terms."

I hadn't realized how angry I was with her until I saw her standing at my door. I'd always thought of myself as a pretty easy going guy, but Cora just brought out a different side of me that I didn't understand.

"I didn't come here to fight with you."

"Then why are you here? Normal communication has been done through third parties, so what do you want?"

"Can I come in or are we going to talk on the porch?"

I briefly thought about making her stand outside, before stepping aside to let her in.

"Davis, please stop fighting me on this. I have to start at Barnacle Bay Memorial by next week or they are rescinding the offer."

"So, you don't speak to me for months and when you show back up it's to ask me not to fight for my kids. I think you should go and direct all further communication through my lawyer."

I turned to head outside, she could let herself out.

"Davis, wait. I'm sorry."

"You're sorry? For what trying to punish me over your guilt?!"

"What? No....that's not..."

"Just admit it. Your whole attitude towards me changed after that night. I didn't force you into anything, but I'm being punished."

The shock of the truth being spoken was written all over her face.

"He wants to marry me. He'll be a good father to them."

"They have a father! I may not have wanted a family, but that doesn't mean I love them any less. But I guess in your great scheme of things you didn't count on that. What did you imagine that I'd keep them for a few years, remain unattached to them and just continue on with my life like nothing changed?"

"YES! Ok, yes that's exactly what I thought. I didn't expect your whole family to accept them, or me like they did. I didn't expect you to be a good father to them and I didn't expect to still have..."

"Still have what? Guilt over that night?"

Cora just dropped her head, refusing to answer the question.

"You cheating on him was not my fault. You never said you were dating anyone, not once in all the times you came to visit, yet you want to put your guilt on me. You cheated, not me!"

I heard her sniffle then wipe away a tear that rolled down her cheek. We'd argued, she'd pissed me off, I'd pissed her off, but I'd never made her cry. The last woman that cried because of something I did was my Mom when I was a teen. I didn't like it then and I didn't like it now.

"That night shouldn't have happened, but it did. I can't change it, but I do have to go after the chance I have to right now to have the life I want. And as much as you don't want to hear it, Tristan can give me that. He's willing to give me that. Staying here...well I don't know if I can have what I want."

There was some sort of sadness in her voice when she said that. I felt like I was missing something, but I wasn't sure what. I thought about the talks I'd had with both Mom and Dad over this issue, they both supported whatever decision I made although I felt like Mom was expecting something else from me. I swear at times women talked in riddles just to have reasons to be mad at us men. It wasn't like my relationship with Cora could get any worse, but I didn't want her hostility towards me to start bleeding over to the girls.

"I'll do this on two conditions."

"What conditions?" she asked skeptically.

"I get visitation as often as I want. No complaints! And they need to take my name."


"You heard me, I don't want Tracy getting any big ideas when it comes to that. They are mine and they will be known as such. It's not up for negotiation. Those are my terms, take them or leave them."


Since school didn't start for another two months, Cora left the girls with me. We filed paperwork at the courthouse before she left to change their last name from Sidwell to Gruber.


  1. Wow! Didn't expect that! I figured Davis would have fought hard to keep one girl. Maybe he is more grown up than I knew and wants what's best for the girls and not himself. It remains to be seen if what's best for them is going with Cora and Travis (Tristan!! LOL). I hope Davis still gets to be plenty involved with them, come what may. I'm sure they'll always have a place with him if hey ever need it.

    1. I don't like the idea of splitting up the kids and since Vuneca is more lax on the rules when it comes to how many in the house, I kept them together. :)

      The girls are close so splitting them up would have caused more trouble and as a parent how can you choose really which kid you like best to keep...see too much to deal with there LOL. This way works out better for me and they will just have joint custody. :) sorta a win/win

      Cora now knows and understands that Davis loves the girls as much as she does and more importantly they love their father. She isn't heartless and wouldn't keep them away from each other.

      LOL 'Travis' you are sounding like Davis calling him the wrong name LOL...I love that he does that. You are right, Cora has been goal orientated and had a plan for her life and is trying to make things fall within that plan. Who is to really say that Tristan is what's best for her or the girls???

      Don't worry, Davis will remain an active part of the girls' lives.

      thanks for reading

  2. I am glad some agreement was made before it hurt the girls. I really think that if Cora and Davis would admit to each other everything they could still have a chance later...Davis has come a long ways and maybe Cora needs to see that. Davis needs to realize that once children enter the picture the party life should no longer be what he thinks about.

    1. Yes, me too. It would have been hard on the girls to be dragged through court. LOL...yeah if only they could get things together where their relationship is concerned all would be better with the world.

      Aww...yes she needs to recognize Davis has grown a lot since she first dropped the girls off with him. I think she chooses not to see it because of what that would mean for her. Davis has realized that he can't ALWAYS party, but he still likes to let loose when he doesn't have them.

      thanks for reading.

  3. Hmmm.... Does Cora still have feeling for him, I've got the feeling this was what she wanted to say.
    It looks like she chose Tristan only because he seems to offer what Davis cannot,of she thinks he cannot or doesn't want to. Maybe I'm wrong but I do think this couple is still in love. Only they're both so scared to admit their feelings, like they don't trust each other.

    1. you caught that...she was close to admitting that she still had feelings for him, but she stopped herself. She's never admitting how much she really cares for Davis because she's trying to guard herself. She knew from the beginning what kind of a man he is/was and decided to keep her true feelings to herself.

      That is exactly why she's choosing Tristan. I mean she does care for him, but she looks at it also from a more practical thinking. He loves her, is willing to offer her the family live she's always envisioned. In her mind he's the best option.

      Davis, well he refuses to admit he can deeply care for any woman that isn't related to him LOL. He's still a bit clueless right now.

      thanks for reading.

  4. Shafer249 here.. wow alot has happened. Glad to know Cora isn't totally heartless in taking away his girls. I mean one cannot say 'Here's daddy you're going to be spending some years with him.' then turn around go 'Say goodbye to daddy forever.' That's being rather mean to those girls to. Atleast Davis can visit them anytime now. Has anybody asked Grace or Hope what they want? Maybe they won't want to leave the town they've called home for so long. Eh, just my thoughts. I also feel bad for Tristan being cheated on and not knowing? hmm, maybe Davis should tell Tristan about that. The man has the right to know that his wife to be isn't 100% faithful to him. But great chapter can't wait for the next.

    1. Yes! She was wrong in thinking that her original plan could still work after having Davis and the girls get to know each other. It would have been hurt the girls just as much as it would have hurt Davis.

      He came up with terms she could agree too, and they weren't that unreasonable. The girls, no I don't think they were asked, but I'm sure they were told something about the custody situation.

      Wow...I think you are the only person to have expressed concern about Tristan in all of this. Yes he was cheated on and had no clue (or maybe he has some clue, I mean Davis went pretty crazy that night) Davis was angry that night, but he wouldn't do anything to deliberately hurt Cora when he's not being a hot head. She is faithful to him, she and Davis only had that one slip up which she feels terrible about!

      I'm glad you liked the chapter. Thanks for reading.

  5. Hm, I wonder what Mr. Homewrecker would do if he found out that Cora had cheated on him. I too think that Cora still has strong feelings for Davis but won't admit it because she's made up her mind on the fact that he'll never feel for her what she feels for him and won't see that it might not be what she thinks.

    1. LOL...Tristan is the homewrecker??? Cora and Davis weren't together when they started dating. Cora and Davis haven't been together since she left school. I love how you made him the outsider LOL...

      You are very correct! She knows Davis to be the partying playboy that refuses to settle down. She's known that from the start, but you can't help who you fall in love with, but you can keep that knowledge to yourself, as she has done.

      Davis isn't the same guy, well not completely. He has grown up a little bit, but not enough for her I guess.

      thanks for reading

  6. I think I will finish the sentence for Cora I didn't expect to still have... Feelings for you! And someone has to tell Davis, that is what he was missing! Oh those two need to get their acts together before anyone else gets hurt.

    I'm glad they came up to an agreement, but Cora was still acting selfish. I didn't like how Cora told Davis that Tristan would be a good father to them and the only reason she wanted to make the quick agreement was that her job offer would not be rescinded. I wonder if that was not the case, would she still be going to court?

    No matter how everyone is spared an ugly court battle, especially the girls who would have been affected the most.

    And does Cora really believe that marrying someone while you are in love with someone else is a good idea? This whole thing is going to get ugly fast.

    Can't wait for the next update :)

    1. LOL...yeah, don't let Davis hear that. Cora would be mortified. It's really quite sad how clueless he is right now isn't it. LOL Poor guy is so blind to all things commitment, that he can't see her feelings for him. Hopefully they'll get their act together.

      Cora is/was acting on emotion. She had this plan in her head and really wanted Davis to fit into it, but he doesn't so she's going for the next best thing. It is bad that she's overlooking how well he is with the girls, but she's just a blind as he is to some things. As for the court thing, she agreed because his terms were reasonable.

      Cora is hoping that being married will help dull those feelings. But if time hasn't accomplished that already, she's fighting a long hard battle. This could get ugly fast.

      thanks for reading.

  7. Say it Cora!!! Just say it and have it done... tell him you are still head-over-heals for him. That might change everything.

    1. It might, but she won't say it. She knows what kind of guy he is, he's not made any secret about it. She can't admit how she feels because she knows he won't be returning those feelings. :(

  8. As much as I love seeing him fight for the girls, it's a shame that it has to be like this :/ I hope they can figure something out, I'd hate to see the girls torn between their parents, or their parents in denial for the rest of forever about their feelings for each other.

    1. Yeah :( Those two have a lot to work out and the girls are stuck in the middle. Cora didn't plan on Davis changing and actually wanting the girls. She didn't factor that into her plan. It doesn't help that they are both denying how they feel about each other. Cora is trying to protect herself from being hurt and Davis...well he's just clueless LOL

      thanks for reading

  9. Hmm... Cora. -__- LOL. I'm torn between feeling a little sorry for her and wanting to slap her. I feel bad for her since I think she's moving on with Tracy *giggles* because she wants to make herself forget Davis. I think she likes Davis but doesn't want to admit it because of Davis' lifestyle. I want to slap her because she and Davis spoke truths, yet she still wanted Tracy to be their father. It's rude of her to cut Davis out of their lives, what, does she think Grace and Hope are going to go for that, since they clearly like Davis? I liked what Davis did, changing their last names so they'd always know who was their real father. I was always indifferent towards Cora, but now I know I don't like her.

    1. hahaha Cora, yeah she needs to take the blinders off and see Davis for who he is now, not who he was in college. She's not the same person so it would stand to reason he wouldn't be the same person either.

      LOL yes Tracy ;) is the guy that fits into the mold of who she imagined herself married to in her 'perfect' life. Davis likes to have fun and party, but he's also responsible and is a good guy even if he doesn't want commitment. He's always honest about that and that's something she does have a hard time with. That shouldn't and doesn't affect his ability to be a father to his daughters.

      It is very rude of her to try and cut him from the girls' life. They have grown up knowing their father and love their father. That wouldn't be good for them either. She's letting her own feelings really cloud her judgement. Yes, Davis did realize that he didn't want his girls to be in the middle of a custody battle so he gave her terms he could work with. Most importantly his name. That way the girls know he is serious (if they had doubts) about being their father and that Tracy didn't get any ideas about adopting them or something.

      thanks for reading
