Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Going Solo: Gen 2.10 Kerri

Two days later I was standing in front of Shasha's lovely Victorian home. It was a large place with four bedrooms and three bathrooms. She said it was a family home that had been in the family for generations. Since the passing of her grandmother, it was just her and her sister, but she'd recently gotten married and moved. Being in Moonlight Falls was a lot different than Brideport, the air was cleaner, fresher. You could hear bird chirping, it was nice.

I did call Mom to let her know I'd arrived safely. She wasn't  happy about me traveling in my 'condition' but since it was early, it was fine. She was getting more maternal in her old age it seemed. Living with Shasha was nice, she got me an easel and put it in the front alcove. It got great light and made for relaxing painting.

Dad called to see how I was doing. He missed me already and I'd only been gone a week. Shasha cooked for me, we went on walks, and she gathered fresh honey every day. It was nice. The night before I was supposed to leave Shasha surprised me after dinner. She'd respected my choice before about being only friends, but when she kissed me, I didn't mind.

It was nice being in Moonlight Falls, the pace was relaxing and being with Shasha, again, felt right. I wasn't sure if I was clinging to her as a rebound thing and I was up front with her about that. I didn't want to lie or hurt her after all she'd been doing for me. Her response was to tell me she loved me and had for a long time. She wasn't worried about my confused feelings, instead we would take it one day at a time and see what happened. That night I decided to make the stay in Moonlight Falls a permanent one.

Making the call to Mom to let her know I was staying was hard. She took it hard, she was hoping to have me back home to spoil her grandchild. Same with for Dad and Grams. They all called to 'guilt' me a bit, but in the end understood it was my choice. And it wasn't like I was moving out of the country, just a different city. I really started to settle into life once I decided to stay. We turned one of the rooms into a nursery.

Shopping for baby stuff was fun, and I was looking forward to meeting my son. Yes I cheated, I wanted to know what I was having and at the sonogram he wasn't shy about showing us. I hadn't had any contact with Boyd since that night, and every time the baby moved I would have a fleeting moment of thinking he should know.

But in the end I said no, he made his choice and I wasn't it. Sha and I were more than capable of raising my son together. She was just as excited about the baby as I was. My days were spent painting and relaxing.

Sha wanted to make sure I was well taken care of, and it was nice to be pampered. Grams called to let me know Graham and Ichelle had their baby, a little girl named Elise.

She sent pictures, Elise was too cute and I couldn't wait to meet her. I made sure I stayed in shape while pregnant, I just seemed to feel better doing light work out, plus my doctor said it was good for me and would help with delivery.

Sha and I were in the middle of one of those work outs when I went into labor. She rushed me to the hospital and stayed by my side the whole time. Five hours later Davis was born, and he was perfect.

**A/N** ok so yes once again I'm breaking the rules, but I need some extra in the story. Luckily the powers that be are flexible on them. :D The important members of the family were all safely transported to Moonlight Falls so I can keep up with their progress. Boyd and Bellisma (I think that's her name) are giving Davis a sibling already LOL. Davis was born with the good trait which I couldn't change. I wanted him to get Evil from his dad but he got heavy sleeper instead. Once Elise ages up to a toddler, I'll give picture spam of her. For now here is a funny shot of poor Shasha being stung by bees. :(


  1. For PG and anyone else that may want the baby legs the link can be found here: http://sukeyssimpleedits.tumblr.com/post/59030333935/nancy-barnaby-dungarees-and-jeans-outfits-for

    and the hair here: http://quizicalgin.tumblr.com/post/64541973996/presenting-the-little-wisps-hair-for-your-babes#notes

  2. Davis is such a cute baby boy and he doesn't look like a vampire kid at all, but I think the vampire traces only appear later on, as a toddler.
    Great idea to settle in Moonlight Falls, it's a better place to raise a child than in Bridgeport.
    Loving your story!!!!!!! :)

    1. He is a cutie, I like him much better now that he isn't a pod. :) The move to Moonlight Falls was just what Kerri needed. Fresh air and away from Boyd and all those bad memories.

      Glad you are enjoying it, thanks for reading!

  3. This is the house I used for the 'hotel' in CLJS for Moonlight Falls. :)

    Aw, a boy! :) Cute.
    I hope she and Shasha work out.

    1. LOL this house gets lots of use. Another simmer doing this challenge also uses this house. It's very handy. :)

      Yep a boy, first one for the challenge, should be fun. Hopefully they will work out. Sha loves her and Kerri might get there too.

      thanks for reading.

  4. Welcome Davis ;)
    Boyd will be a twice father.... that saddens me since they aren't both with Kerri
    Oh well.
    Still fun :)

    1. yep...Boyd has been a busy boy.

      She and Sha will take good care of little Davis

  5. Hello there, Davis ^^ He'll be looked after and fussed over sooo much by those two ladies :D

    1. Yep, Davis will be well loved by both his mom and Sha.

      thanks for reading

  6. After having played with Sims4 babies, I appreciate Sims3 babies a lot more. One of my Sims4 babies aged to a child and was overweight because apparently I fed him too much. -__- There's no needs panel for babies, so you have to guess what their problem is when they cry, so I ended up just doing feeding, diapers, and snuggling all in one go when they cry. Anyway. Heehee, Davis is adorable.
    Poor Boyd, LOL, now he's even more tied to that vampire chick.
    I can't help but think that Shasha might be disappointed one day. IDK, Kerri doesn't seem like she is gay at all, or bi, or whatever you want to call it, just like, I feel like maybe Kerri can't ever love Shasha in the way that Shasha wants her to, even if they stay together and do stuff. I like them together because they support each other and get along well, I just feel bad for Shasha that she might be able to get more out of being with an actual gay person.

    1. I only played S4 briefly when they did that 2 day trial, but yeah that baby to kid thing was a hard one to deal with. LOL aww sorry yours ended up over weight :(

      Thanks. So far I've been please with the genetics I've gotten using townies. Hopefully that'll continue. Well Kerri has been up front with her about her feelings so she's not stringing her along. Honesty is key in situations like that. Kerri does have feelings about Sha, they just aren't as strong as Shas. Now that Boyd is out of the picture, Kerri can take the time to explore those feelings more since it's out in the open and no longer a cheating thing. Sha is willing to take the chance. :)

      thanks for reading
