Friday, February 7, 2014

Going Solo: Gen 2.5 Kerri

Being back home was nice. Mom was very excited to have me back, she didn't like that I went out of state for school. Of course in true Mom fashion, she wanted to celebrate my return and graduation with a party. I wasn't a fan of big parties, but I agreed to make her happy.

Dad couldn't make it, he was out of the country doing a film. He was supposed to be retired, but everyone once in a while he'd take a role if it sounded fun. Everyone else was able to make it, except Boyd. He was working and couldn't switch his shift, but he promised to come by after work. I finally got to meet Graham's girlfriend, correction fiancée, Ichelle. She was a sweet girl and genuinely seemed to love Graham. She was already talking about starting a family and they'd just graduated college. I think it was because Graham wanted to give Grandma and Alan grandkids soon since they were both elders.

The one unexpected visitor was Ms. Slayer, Boyd's mom. She came by to tell me I needed to break things off with Boyd. She said I was clouding his judgement and that he was better off with his own kind. Before I could ask her why it mattered, I heard Mom screaming and cussing like never before.

I ran into the house and found her in my room with Lenny and Tiara Angelista, a person I thought was her friend. From what I could gather she walked in on them having 'relations' in my bed. EWWW but I wouldn't make that statement out loud, there were more pressing matters at hand.

Lenny was begging for forgiveness saying she took advantage of him his his drunken state and Mom was yelling about how she'd supported him all these years and not being appreciated for what she'd done. She took the ring off and threw it at his face and told him to get out and never come back.

Meanwhile Tiara tried to sneak out, but Mom laid into her as well. Calling her all sorts of names and knew she was no better than her no good mother. Apparently Dad had brought Lala to one of my parties when I was younger, I don't recall, but sounded like they were making out and Mom caught them. This was all too much for me to hear, but I stayed, mainly because I hoped Mom didn't turn things physical. Needless to say, the party ended then. Lenny and Tiara had to walk out with guest looking and whispering about them. I tried to comfort Mom as best I could, but I didn't really know what to say. I guess part of it was because I felt guilty because of my own transgressions while at college.

Mom started spiraling into a depression, drinking and going out almost every night. I stayed (after selling my bed and getting a new one. Again massive EWWWW) for as long as I could, but when the house started turning into my dorm room all over again, I knew it was time to move out. I hated to leave her, but I also knew she was using me as a crutch of sorts.

As a graduation gift, Dad bought me a condo downtown. He was going to buy me a house, but I didn't want something big. Just a place with good light so I could paint. I was on my own, officially a grown up. It was nice.

**A/N so all the stuff with Lenny was thanks to SP and my woo-hooer mod hahahaha. I have it set so that they have to be romantic interests before they will woo-hoo (which is on autonomous) and since Tiara and Lenny used to date way back, their status remained as romantic interests even though he's engaged to Ansley. I was taking shots elsewhere when Ansley got the backstabbed bubble over her head and found Lenny and Tiara in action so I went with it. Makes for fun drama.

Here is a better shot of Ichelle (I think that's how to spell her name) and Jenni who aged to elder.


  1. Wow, what an update!! Lots going on here.
    Poor Ansley, catching her fiancée with Tiara. It’s understandable getting a depression after that. I hope she’ll get over it soon.
    Congratulations for graduation! And what a gift, a condo!!
    EliRoc (I wonder why it's not showing my profile pic)

    1. it was drama filled thanks to SP :) I felt bad for Ansley too, I was planning on letting her and Lenny get married before I moved Kerri out. :( She took it hard, poor girl had been so unlucky in love.

      I was so excited to see her graduate. She's the first sim I've had that's made it through Uni. Matt was proud of his only child as well. He's always spoiled her, and this was no different.

      thanks for reading.

  2. Yeah that is a great graduation present! Heh, SP can be crazy sometimes! I love it! I kinda hope TS4 has one built in because it makes the game better IMO.

    1. Yep she wanted out of mom's house and Matt was happy to get her a place. She is his only child.

      SP brings all sorts of fun things, that's for sure. I'm not sure what S4 will bring, but I'm not getting it right away.

      thanks for reading.

  3. I cracked up at all the 'eeewww' comments. :)

    1. LOL...just saying Kerri really thought it was gross that Lenny got busy in her bed. :P

  4. Oh no! Poor Ansley!
    Poor Kerri, all the drama at her party... she looks like she was totally forgotten.
    It's good Kerri's on her own now. She'll do better.
    I don't play with mods, but every once in a while SP will work for me and all of the sudden a major catastrophe will happen. And I sit there going "Really? THAT'S what you choose to do autonomously??"

    1. yeah :( SP really screwed her up.

      She didn't mind that, the party was her mom's idea. She's not really big on parties, she just agrees to please Ansley.

      She is on her own now, hopefully she'll have good luck in her career and love life.

      hahaha SP does make for some interesting turn of events sometimes.

      thanks for reading.

  5. My oh my..... see that Lenny? Tried to give him a chance, and slamm!
    Sad though that Kerri's Mom is taking it so bad and ruining herself in the process.

  6. yep... that pesky SP threw a kink in my plans. :( He will be back living in his studio apartment. Ansley is acting out from the hurt :( hopefully she'll be able to pull herself together.

  7. Wow, I'm wondering what's going on with Boyd's family.

    1. we'll find out in due time. :)

      thanks for reading

  8. Boyd's Mum sounds like a controlling bitch oO
    And wow, I see her Dad still likes to give very generous gifts! :O
    I feel bad for Ansley :/ There she was, wanting to give Lenny another chance at life, and he completely messes it up :/

    1. LOL yeah just a little bit.

      Matthew has tons of money and only one child so yeah he gives great gifts.

      :( SP got me on that. I was getting set to marry them before he went and slept with that woman. Now Ansley is all heartbroken. :(

      thanks for reading

  9. LOL oh SP... how cruel of it... as well as the Woo-hooer. XD
    Poor Ansley. I hope she can bounce back, she didn't look like she was doing very well in those last few pictures, with the drinking too much and not taking care of her house.
    Aww, Jenni's cute as an old lady. LOL. Ahh... okay, I'm getting a little bit of what Elvira's deal is... she thinks Boyd needs to be with a good vampire girl. XD
    I am glad Matthew is a nice father, even though it's sometimes just buying Kerri stuff, but a condo is a nice deal, so she doesn't have to go struggling for a while to find a place of her own.

    1. Yep, things were going well. For once I was glad I had the thought bubbles still on so I could catch Lenny in the act. She took it hard considering they had an off/on thing for YEARS AND YEARS, then they were exclusive for a few years. They were going to be married and he goes and sleeps with a woman that was supposed to be her friend. :(

      LOL Jenni did age well and makes a cute grandma. Yep, Elvira wants her son with a vampire not a human or any other life state. :(

      Yep, Matthew spoils Kerri now. They have a great relationship and she's still his only child so why not spoil her. I really thought SP would do something with him, but so far it hasn't.

      thanks for reading
